Uffe Elbæk

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Uffe Elbæk at the Bogforum in the Bella Center , 2012

Uffe Elbæk (born June 15, 1954 in Ry , Skanderborg Kommune ) is a Danish politician . From 2001 to 2013 he was a member of the liberal party Det Radikalische Venstre and founded the alternative party on November 27, 2013 , from which he resigned in 2020. In the 2015 Folketing Election, Elbæk was the top candidate.


Elbæk founded the Kaospiloterne business school in Aarhus in 1991 , which, in its own words, is committed to “positive social change through personal development”. In 2007 he moved to Copenhagen to prepare for the 2009 Outgames in Copenhagen. On October 3, 2011, Elbæk became Danish Minister of Culture in the Thorning-Schmidt government . He was forced to resign on December 6, 2012 after allegations of nepotism against him could not be dispelled. On September 17, 2013, Elbæk announced that he was leaving his party Radical Venstre and that he would be a non- attached member of the Danish Parliament Folketing . He supported the minority government Thorning-Schmidt II .

On March 9, 2020, Uffe Elbæk and three other members of parliament announced that he was leaving the Alternativeet party, which he co-founded in 2013. Josephine Fock was previously elected as the new party chairman.

Uffe Elbæk is partnered with the anthropologist Jens Pedersen. He lives in Frederiksberg . He has a son from a previous relationship.

Web links

Commons : Uffe Elbæk  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • CV at Folketinget.dk
  • Alternative website of the party founded by Elbæk (Danish / English)

Individual evidence

  1. Jasper Fabian Wenzel: Vendetta in the Danish Parliament. Die Welt , February 5, 2014, accessed on February 12, 2014 .
  2. Kaospilot.dk official website
  3. Copenhagen2009.org ( Memento of December 14, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Klog beslutning af Elbæk. Berlingske , December 5, 2012, accessed December 6, 2012 (Danish).
  5. Lærke Hviid Lytken: Første gang prins Joachim udnævner s minister. DR , December 6, 2012, accessed December 6, 2012 (Danish).
  6. Uffe Elbæk - from minister to løsgænger. (No longer available online.) Politiken , September 17, 2013, archived from the original on September 19, 2013 ; Retrieved September 17, 2013 (Danish).
  7. Compare Hvor står I politisk på en højre-venstre-skala? ( Memento of February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Website of the Alternativet party , accessed on February 3, 2014
  8. Uffe Elbæk starter nyt politisk projekt med afhoppere. In: DR. March 25, 2020, accessed on March 31, 2020 (Danish).
  9. Jon Voss: Dansk homo profile ny culture minister. QX Förlag AB, October 3, 2011, accessed December 6, 2012 (Swedish).