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NA7 was an experiment at the Super Proton Synchrotron of CERN , which was conducted from 1977 to 1987. The aim was to measure the electromagnetic form factors of the pion and the kaon . Stephan Frank was the spokesman for the collaboration . Another prominent member of the collaboration was the later spokesman for the CMS experiment Guido Tonelli .


Multi-wire proportional chambers (MWPC) made it possible to determine the momentum of the incoming particles, which came from a pion beam of the Super Proton Synchrotron with a purity of about 98% and an impulse of 300 GeV / c. As a sample was hydrogen used and served as a trigger scintillators before and after the sample. Five times eight MWPCs were used for the Vertex reconstruction. The spectrometer of the NA1 experiment completed the setup.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. NA7 - Measurement of the Electromagnetic Form Factors of π and K mesons at the PLC. CERN, accessed November 22, 2012 .
  2. NA7 - Measurement of the Electromagnetic Form Factors of π and K mesons at the PLC. CERN, accessed November 22, 2012 .
  3. Guido Emilio Tonelli. In: uniMap il cerca persone e strutture dell'Università di Pisa. Università di Pisa - uniMap, accessed on November 23, 2012 (English, Italian).
  4. NA7 Collaboration: A measurement of the space-like pion electromagnetic form factor . In: Nucl. Phys. B . 168-196, 1986, pp. 140-147. doi : 10.1016 / 0550-3213 (86) 90437-2 .