Natalja Alexejewna Dessjatowa-Schostenko

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Natalya Alexejewna Dessjatowa-Schostenko , from 1952 Nathalie Roussine , ( Russian Наталья Алексеевна Десятова-Шостенко * December 26, 1889 . Jul / 7. January  1890 greg. In Volchansk ; † 23. November 1968 in Cormeilles-en-Parisis ) was a Russian - Soviet - French botanist and university professor . Your botanical author abbreviation is " Des.-Shost. ".


Dessjatowa-Schostenko came from an entrepreneurial family . After attending the local high school, she began studying at the University of Geneva in 1906 , which she graduated as a botanist in 1909. She then continued to study at the advanced courses for women in Moscow founded by Vladimir Ivanovich Guerrier .

In 1911 Dessjatowa-Shostenko became a research assistant in the Imperial Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg (since 1931 Komarow Institute for Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR or Russian Academy of Sciences). From 1912 to 1917 she took part in botanical expeditions in Central Asia under Boris Alexejewitsch Fedtschenko's leadership . She made important contributions to the description of new species. She created a geobotanical map of the central Altai . At times she was the Sister of Charity in Kharkov .

After the October Revolution , Dessyatova-Shostenko taught at the Novo-Alexei Agricultural Institute . During the Russian Civil War she stayed in Krasnodar and Sochi . In 1923 she returned to Kharkov and became an assistant at the Department of Botany at the Kharkov Pharmaceutical Technology Center . From 1925 she headed the botany department of the Askanija-Nowa nature reserve . In 1930 she became head of the geography department of the Ukrainian Institute for Applied Botany and a full member of the Institute for Plant Breeding . In 1932 she was appointed professor . In 1936 she was without defending a dissertation for doctor of biological sciences PhD.

1919–1931 and 1934 Dessjatowa-Shostenko was a member of the Committee for the Protection of Natural Monuments .

During the German-Soviet War Dessjatowa-Schostenko worked together with Yuri Dmitrijewitsch Kleopow in Kiev, which was occupied by the Wehrmacht .

After the war , Dessyatowa-Shostenko emigrated to Germany and on to France to live with her brother out of fear of Soviet persecution . In 1946 she became an employee of the University of Montpellier and worked with Josias Braun-Blanquet . In 1952 she took the name Roussine .

Plants named after Dessyatowa-Shostenko

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Безлуцькая Е. П .: Н. А. Десятова-Шостенко (1889–1968). Судьба и жизнь в науке . In: Zbiór raportów naukowych. "Science - od teorii do Practyki" . 2013, ISBN 978-83-63620-96-7 , pp. 56-58 .
  2. a b c d Шевера М. В .: Десятова-Шостенко Наталія Олексіївна . In: Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine . ( [1] [accessed February 4, 2020]).
  3. Braun-Blanquet, J .; Roussine, N .; Nègre, R .: Les Groupements végétaux de la France méditerranéenne . Paris 1952.