Cordillera Azul National Park

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Cordillera Azul National Park
Cordillera Azul National Park
Cordillera Azul National Park
Cordillera Azul National Park (Peru)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 7 ° 45 ′ 0 ″  S , 75 ° 56 ′ 0 ″  W.
Location: San Martín , Peru
Surface: 13531.9 km²
Founding: May 21, 2001
Cordillera Azul National Park
Cordillera Azul National Park
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The Cordillera Azul National Park (Spanish: Parque nacional Cordillera Azul ) is a national park in the regions of San Martín , Loreto , Ucayali and Huánuco in Peru, founded on May 21, 2001 by decree N ° 031-2001-AG .


The national park is between the Río Huallaga and Río Ucayali in the regions of San Martín, Loreto, Ucayali and Huánuco. The main goal is to protect the unique diversity of species, communities and geological formations typical of mountain forests of the Cordillera Azul. To this end, the headwaters of many rivers, their water and their surroundings are protected. The ecosystem includes different altitudes and ranges from high forest in the Amazon basin to the Amazon lowlands.


The biological diversity is enormous with numerous species.


Among the at least 71 mammal species and 10 primate species there are a. the spectacled bear ( Tremarctos ornatus ), the South American otter ( Lontra longicaudis ), the giant otter ( Pteronura brasiliensis ), the lowland tapir ( Tapirus terrestris ), the collar peccary ( Pecari tajacu ), the great macama ( Mazama americana ), the pakas ( Cuniculus ) the capybara ( Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris ). The primates in the park include black- faced spider monkeys ( Ateles chamek ), brown woolly monkeys ( Lagothrix lagotricha ), and monk monkeys ( Pithecia monachus ).


At least 516 species of birds also live in the park. So there are Lappenguan ( Aburria aburri ( Lesson, RP , 1828)), King Sun nymph ( Heliangelus regalis Fitzpatrick , Willard & Terborgh , 1979), Redwing Brillant Hummingbird ( Heliodoxa branickii ( Taczanowski , 1874)), Würgadler ( Morphnus guianensis ( Daudin , 1800)), harpy eagle ( Harpia harpyja ( Linnaeus , 1758)), loreto whisker ( Capito wallacei O'Neill , Lane , Kratter , Capparella & Fox , 2000), spotted parrot ( Touit stictopterus ( Sclater , 1862)), blue-headed macaw ( Primolius couloni ( Sclater , 1876)), Orangekehlkotinga ( Pipreola chlorolepidota Swainson , 1838), Gray cap Todityrann ( Hemitriccus rufigularis ( Cabanis , 1873)), Purple beak small bully ( Zimmerius cinereicapilla ( Cabanis , 1873)), yellow streak-free bully ( Zimmerius viridiflavus ( Tschudi , 1844)) and bandy-winged wren ( Henicorhina leucoptera Fitzpatrick , Terborgh & Willard , 1977).

Amphibians and reptiles

There are at least 82 species of amphibians and reptiles in the park. These include, for example, the red poison frog ( Ameerega silverstonei ( Myers & Daly , 1979)) discovered in 1979. There is also Gastrotheca stictopleura Duellman , Lehr & Aguilar , 2001 or Atelopus dimorphus Lötters , 2003 or Ranitomeya benedicta Brown , Twomey , Pepper & Rodriguez , 2008 and Ranitomeya summersi Brown , Twomey , Pepper & Rodriguez , 2008.


At least 93 species of fish can be found in the Cordillera Azul. In 2010 Panaque schaeferi Lujan , Hidalgo & Stewart was re-described for science in 2010.


1600 plant species are known in the park so far. However, it is estimated that there are between 4000 and 6000 species. The vegetation is typical mountain forest, which also includes drier areas. In the east of the park, the vegetation becomes more like Amazon rainforest with tall trees. So one finds Pentaplaris davidsmithii , Platycerium andinum , Godoya obovata and many more species.


The climate in the park is influenced by its width and its proximity to the tropical convergence zone, as well as the different altitudes. As a rule, mild temperatures prevail at altitudes above 400 meters and it is rainy. In the Amazon basin it is hotter and humid. There is a dry period from June or July to October or November. Cold winds often come to the region from the south. The highest mountains in the northern and eastern sectors of the Cordillera Azul form a barrier to the humidity of the Amazon basin, so the forest in the northwest of the park is significantly drier than the rest.

Web links

Commons : Cordillera Azul National Park  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 031-2001-AG - Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul (Spanish)
  2. a b c Cordillera Azul at Sernap
  3. Diagnóstico del Proceso de Actualización plan Maestro 2011-2016
  4. BirdLife Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas - Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul