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The Neikea ( ancient Greek Νείκεα , singular Neikos , Νεῖκος hatred ) are personifications of hatred in Greek mythology .

In Hesiod's theogony , the Neikea are daughters of Eris , the goddess of discord; their siblings are also personifications of negative terms. With Timon von Phleius , Neikos appears as a single figure as sister and servant of Eris. According to Pseudo-Demosthenes , she appears in the painting as the tormentor of those exiled in Hades . It is unclear whether the forces that move the world, Neikos and Philotes , were thought of as personified by Empedocles , or whether he was only using a mythical concept.

Hyginus Mythographus lists the daughters of Eris as descendants of Aither and Terra , and he transfers the Neikaea into Latin as Altercatio .


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  1. ^ Hesiod, Theogony 226-233.
  2. Timon, Frament 17 in: Kurt Wachsmuth : De Timone Phliasio ceterisque sillographis graecis . Leipzig 1859.
  3. Pseudo-Demosthenes 25, 52.
  4. ^ Hyginus Mythographus, Fabulae Praefatio.