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The Phonoi ( ancient Greek Φόνοι , singular phonos , Φόνος murder ) are personifications of murder in Greek mythology .

In Hesiod's theogony , the Phonoi are children of Eris , the goddess of discord; their siblings are also personifications of negative terms. In Aeschylus ' play Seven Against Thebes , Amphiaraos describes his opponent Tydeus as an admirer of Phonos, since he sees him as the cause of the war. In Quintus of Smyrna , Phonos appears alongside Eris and Kydoimos , the personification of the noise of battle, as actively involved in the fighting of the Trojan War .


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  1. ^ Hesiod, Theogony 226-233 .
  2. Aeschylus, Seven against Thebes 570-574.
  3. ^ Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 6, 348.