Nemesio Rivera Meza

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Nemesio Rivera Meza Denegrí (born August 11, 1918 in San Jerónimo de Tunán , Provincia de Huancayo , Peru ; † January 9, 2007 ) was Bishop of Huacho and Cajamarca in Peru.


Bishop Nemesio Rivera Meza at the consecration.

The clergyman was ordained priest in 1946 . On May 15, 1958 he was by Pope Pius XII. appointed bishop of the Diocese of Huacho ; on January 28, 1960 he was appointed sixth bishop of the diocese of Cajamarca .
He resigned in 1961 under pressure from the faithful who wanted to see the displaced Bishop Pablo Ramírez Taboada reinstated. In the 1960s until his return to Peru in 1996 he lived in the parish of St. Martin in the diocese of Speyer , but without an official mission. On July 8, 1961 Rivera Meza was by John XXIII. Appointed titular bishop of Diospolis Superior .
On September 25, 1994 he consecrated the new chest organ in the former Cistercian abbey church in Otterberg / Pfalz. In
2002 he was honored with the “La Medalla de Oro de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”.

Awards and honors

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "The structures of the Church of Cajamarca (until 2003)" (PDF; 132 kB)
  2. "La Medalla de Oro de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo"

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Pablo Ramírez Taboado Bishop of Cajamarca
José Dammert Bellido