Niccolò Ardinghelli

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Portrait of Cardinal Ardinghelli, (in the manner of Sebastiano del Piombo, Bonhams New York, 2009)

Niccolò Ardinghelli (born March 17, 1503 in Florence , † August 22, 1547 in Rome ) was a cardinal of the Catholic Church .

Probably the fact that his father Pietro had been Leo X's secretary facilitated Ardinghelli's entry into a career at the Roman Curia, initially in 1523 as apostolic protonotary . Canonicals in Pisa and Florence were soon added . He began his legal studies in Pisa , but moved to Padua in 1524 at the invitation of Pietro Bembo , where he completed his studies and stayed until 1526. His next years are less clear, but in 1536 he was appointed secretary to Alessandro Farnese 's staff . In June 1540 he became secretary to Pope Paul III. and also officiated as Datar , initially together with Girolamo Capodiferro, from 1542 alone. Ardinghelli, who was Bishop of Fossombrone (Italy) from 1541 to 1547 , was appointed by Paul III. elevated to cardinal on December 19, 1544 . In January the Pope assigned him the titular church of Sant'Apollinare .


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predecessor Office successor
Giovanni Guidiccioni Bishop of Fossombrone
1541 - 1545
Luigi Ardinghelli