Not without my father-in-law

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Original title Not without my father-in-law
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2005
length 90 minutes
Director Michael Karen
script Stefan Rogall
production Michael Hahn
music Siggi Mueller
camera Klaus Liebertz
cut Katharina Schmidt

Not without my father-in-law is a German television comedy from 2005, which was produced for ZDF and is set in Münster , Westphalia .


Psychotherapist Ulf Weiß and his girlfriend Sarah Gievenbeck want to get married. You're going to see Sarah's parents for a weekend. Sarah's father, Heinrich Gievenbeck, a judge at the Münster district court , is extremely pedantic and pays attention to the well-being of his daughter with eagle eyes. That's why he wants to test this weekend whether Ulf is really the right one for Sarah.

First, Ulf and Sarah have to sleep in separate rooms, and the next morning Heinrich asks Ulf to come with him on the hunt very early on. Ulf does Heinrich a favor. But he accidentally shoots Heinrich's beloved dog instead of the stag . The dog survives, but for Heinrich that alone is proof enough that Ulf is a clumsy man and nothing for his daughter. But Sarah's mother Sybille and her brother Siegfried (Siggi) can convince him to give Ulf another chance. During a bike trip together, Heinrich, who rides a tandem with Sybille, challenges Ulf to a race that ends for Heinrich and Sybille in the ditch. Of course, Heinrich also blames Ulf for this.

During a conversation with Siggi, Ulf suspects that he has a secret, and that's true: Siggi is homosexual , but does not dare to come out to his father. After returning from the excursion, Sybille sends Ulf and Heinrich to the supermarket to get an ingredient for dinner. In order to arrive before the shop closes, Ulf exceeds the speed at Heinrich's urging, and the police stop them. Of course the policemen demand that Ulf and Heinrich take the alcohol test. Unfortunately, both of them had a cognac beforehand . Heinrich deliberately drops the test device, and so Ulf and Heinrich end up in a cell in the police station, where they have to be punched out by Sarah.

The next day Siggi and Ulf overhear the neighbor Emma Tollkötter secretly meeting Heinrich. They immediately suspect that the two are having an affair and drive after them to catch them inflagranti. But there is a collision with a police car. But with good results, at least for Siggi. Because he falls in love at first sight with the police officer Erich, who hears the two.

When Sarah and Sybille pick them up from the station, they talk about their suspicions about Heinrich and Mrs. Tollkötter on the way. Sybille, furious, storms into the hotel Heinrich and Emma have gone to. But it turns out that Emma only helped Heinrich organize the surprise party for Sybille for her thirtieth wedding anniversary.

After this embarrassment, Ulf himself believes that he is not the right one for Sarah, the two separate and Ulf goes home sadly. Two weeks passed and Heinrich finally gave in: he told Sarah that he didn't think Ulf was that bad after all, and if she loved him, she should bring him back. Eventually Sarah and Ulf get married, and Siggi has also found happiness with Erich.


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