Nigol Andresen

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Nigol Andresen (real name Nikolai Andresen , pseudonym Ormi Arp ; born September 20, jul. / 2. October  1899 greg. In Vanamõisa , community Haljala ; † 24. February 1985 in Tartu ) was an Estonian literary scholar , critic , translator , poet and politicians .


After finishing school, Andresen attended the teachers' college in Rakvere from 1914 to 1918 , which he left as a trained Estonian teacher. He was then from 1918 to 1932 in various North Estonian high schools in the school service. However, he was then dismissed from school for political reasons because of his membership in the Estonian Social Democratic Workers' Party . In the same year he was elected to the Estonian parliament , to which he formally belonged until 1937. But since the parliament was dissolved by Konstantin Päts with the coup d'état of March 12, 1934 , he was a member of parliament for practically only two years.

Also in 1934 Andresen was expelled from the Social Democratic Workers' Party because of his contacts with the Communist Party. He was then trade union secretary and became a supporter of the new system after Sovietization in 1940. He was then foreign minister in the Vares cabinet for a good month.

When the German-Soviet War broke out in 1941, he went to the Soviet Union and lived in Moscow . After returning to Estonia, he was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1946 to 1949 . However, at the notorious eighth plenary session of the Estonian Communist Party in March 1950, he fell from grace and was imprisoned. He was only released from prison in 1955.

From now on he was no longer politically active, but devoted himself exclusively to his literary studies. In 1980 he was a supporter of the Letter of Forty , but did not sign it on the following grounds: "I am an old man, I still have hope for three years, and I do not want to spend them in prison or in the insane asylum."

Nigol Andresen died in Tartu, but is buried in the Tallinn Forest Cemetery.


Before the Second World War Andresen mainly published political articles in anthologies. He also translated classics of socialism such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels . However, at this stage he also published his first poems and reviews in Looming . He published his only volume of poetry in 1927 under the pseudonym Ormi Arp. It describes "different continents and states from the standpoint of communist ideology".

After the war, Andresen appeared with important monographs on contemporary writers. He also worked as an editor and often wrote introductions and forewords. He presented profound studies on some detailed questions relating to the history of literature. Finally, he made translations from Danish, German, Finnish, French, Russian and Swedish.



  • Gloobus . Tartu: Aktsioon 1927. 31 pp.
  • Karl Marx . Tallinn: Eesti Noorsotsiallistlik Liit 1933. 24 pp.
  • Mihkel Martna . Eluloolisi jooni . Tallinn: Sõprus 1935. 103 pp.
  • Mihkel Martna. Eesti sotsialistliku liikumise isa . Tallinn: Koolikooperatiiv 1936. 48 pp.
  • Uue arengu poole Eesti töölisliikumises . Tallinn: Sõprus 1937. 30 pp.
  • Uusaegsed vandaalid . Moskva: ENSV Riiklik Kirjastus 1943. 36 pp.
  • Kas võõras maa saab asendada kodumaad . Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus 1959. 20 pp.
  • August Bachmann, yes, homosexual theater . Tallinn: ENSV Teatriühing 1966. 115 pp.
  • Eesti NSV teeneline kunstitegelane Leo Kalmet . Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1966. 19 pp.
  • Friedebert Tuglas . Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1968. 162 p. (Eesti kirjamehi)
  • Hilda Gleser . Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1971. 104 pp.
  • Inimesi ja raamatuid . Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1973. 231 pp.
  • Paul Kuusberg . Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1976. 130 p. (Eesti kirjamehi)
  • Terendusi. Uurimusi yes arti dress. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1979. 323 pp.
  • Hommikust keskööni . Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1982. 142 pp.
  • Suits yes tuli. Uurimusi yes arti dress. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1983. 337 pp.

Article (selection)

  • Juhan Sütiste , in: Looming 3/1945, pp. 328–338.
  • Johannes Barbarus , in: Looming 12/1946, pp. 1287-1295.
  • Eduard VildeMäeküla piimamehe ” mõistmiseks, in: Looming 4/1947, pp. 437–462.
  • Eduard Vilde “ Mahtra sõda ”, in: Looming 10-11 / 1947, pp. 1342–1364.
  • Johannes R. Becher eesti lugejate ees, in: Looming 10/1958, pp. 1599–1606.
  • Maksim Gorki ja Eesti, in: Looming 7/1959, pp. 1077-1096; 8/1961, pp. 1227-1245.
  • Johannes Semper väliskirjanduse tõlkijana, uurijana ja tutvustajana, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 3/1962, pp. 140–150.
  • Haitsmemees yes hemariklased. Gustav Suitsu luulest 1920-ndate aastate algul, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 9/1964, pp. 527-542.
  • Uue kirjandusliku epohhi algusest Eestis, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 9/1968, pp. 513-522; 10/1968, pp. 597-602.
  • Ääremärkusi “Eesti kirjanduse ajaloo” III köitele, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 10/1969, pp. 632–634.
  • Noor-Eesti ja keeleunendus, in: Looming 9/1970, pp. 1421–1429.
  • Marie Under eesti luule üldpildis, in: Looming 3/1973, pp. 502-509.
  • Eino Leino hinnanguid eesti kirjandusele, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 10/1975, pp. 616–619.
  • Üle rusu. Märkmeid Gustav Suitsu 1940.-1941. aasta luuleainete küpsemisest, in: Looming 1/1988, pp. 109–119.

Literature on the author

  • Vaime Kabur (koost.): Nigol Andresen. Kirjandus-, teatri- ja kunstialased artiklid ning retsensioonid, ilukirjandus, ilukirjanduse tõlked. Bibliograafia 1919-1979. Tallinn: Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut 1979. 82 pp.
  • Peeter Olesk: Vaatpunkt, yes, counterpoint. Nigol Andresen 1980, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 10/1979, pp. 583-591.
  • Maie Kalda: Keskendumise viljad, in: Kirjanduse Jaosmaa 1980. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1982, pp. 119–121.
  • Peeter Olesk: Gustav Suitsu uurimise teel. Nigol Andresen 85, in: Looming 10/1984, pp. 1418-1422
  • Paul Kuusberg: Nigol Andresen 1899-1985, in: Looming 4/1985, pp. 574-575.
  • Maia Kalda / Peeter Olesk: Nigol Andresen 2.X 1899 - 24.II 1985, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 5/1985, pp. 312-314.
  • Mart Mäger : Suits ja aeg, in: Kirjanduse Jaosmaa 1984. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1986, pp. 114–120.
  • Paul Kuusberg : Nigol Andresen 1899-1985, in: Kirjanduse Jaosmaa 1985. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1987, pp. 86-89
  • Ülo Tonts: Nigol Andreseni seletused, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 11/1989, pp. 677-690.
  • Piret Noorhani: Nigol Andreseni ja Otto A. Webermanni kirjavahetusest, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 1/1996, pp. 26–31.
  • Nigol Andresen - Bernard Kangro. Valik kirju, in: Tuna 4/1999, pp. 99-109.
  • Piret Lotman: Nigol Andresen ja Eesti raamatukogud sõjajärgsel ajal, in: Tuna 4/2007, pp. 78–85.
  • Kaks vaimukaaslast eri aegadest. Valik Ain Kaalepi ja Nigol Andreseni kirjavahetusest aastatel 1965-1975, in: Tuna 4/2007, pp. 103–122; Tuna 1/2008, pp. 113-128.
  • Jaak Valge: Punasest Stalinistiks. Nigol Andreseni noorusaastad, in: Looming 10/2011, pp. 1432-1450.
  • Valdur Ohmann: Nigol Andreseni selgituskiri Nikolai Karotammele, in: Tuna 1/2016, pp. 98-103.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 33.
  2. cf. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter 2006, p. 550, and Sirje Olesk: ENSV Kirjanike Liit ja EK (b) P KK kaheksas pleenum, in: Looming 10/2002, p. 1552–1567.
  3. Sirje Kiin, Rein Ruutsoo, Andres Tarand: 40 kirja lugu. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1990, p. 61.
  4. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 34.