Nikolai Borisovich Golitsyn

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Nikolai Borisovich Golitsyn in the 1820s

Nikolai Borissowitsch Golitsyn ( Russian: Николай Борисович Голицын ; born December 19, 1794 in Saint Petersburg , †  November 3, 1866 in Korotscha or Bogorodskoje ) was a Russian nobleman , music lover and patron .


Golitsyn , who lived in Vienna from 1802 to 1806 , was one of Ludwig van Beethoven's great admirers from an early age and was himself an accomplished cellist . On November 9, 1822, he wrote a letter to Beethoven to ask him to compose several string quartets . Beethoven accepted the commission and in the following years composed three works for the prince: the string quartets in E flat major op.127 , B flat major op.130 and A minor op.132 . In addition, in 1825 he dedicated the overture to the festival play “ The Consecration of the House op. 124 to Golitsyn .

Golitsyn was also a subscriber to the Missa solemnis . At his instigation, the work was premiered on April 7, 1824 in St. Petersburg.

Golitsyn owed the composer the agreed fee for the three string quartets throughout his life.

Golitsyn's son was the composer Yuri Nikolayevich Golitsyn .


  • Anton Schindler , biography of Ludwig van Beethoven , 3rd edition, Münster 1860
  • Nathan Fischman, The premiere of the Missa solemnis , in: Contributions to Musicology , Vol. 12 (1970), pp. 274–281
  • The Beethoven Lexicon , ed. by Heinz von Loesch and Claus Raab , Laaber 2008, p. 278