Nikolai Filippowitsch Bakejew

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Nikolai Filippowitsch Bakejew ( Russian: Никола́й Фили́ппович Баке́ев ; born November 20, 1932 in Tula Oblast ; † July 20, 2016 in Moscow ) was a Russian chemist , polymer chemist and university professor .


Bakejew studied chemistry at the Lomonossow University Moscow (MGU) with a degree in 1956. His diploma thesis was supervised by WA Kargin . He then worked there initially as a chemistry laboratory assistant and then as a junior scientist, as did WA Kabanow and NA Platé . In 1960 he received his doctorate for a candidate in chemical sciences with the dissertation of the electron microscopic investigation of the ordering processes in amorphous polymers , supervised by WA Kargin . In 1965 he took over the management of the Laboratory for Polymer Structure. In 1968 he received his doctorate in chemical sciences with his dissertation The Structure of Amorphous Polymers . In 1969 he was appointed professor at the chair for polymer chemistry at MGU.

Bakeev became a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) in 1987 and a full member of the now Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) in 1992.

Bakejew investigated oxygen- sensitive phosphorescent polymer nanomaterials in cooperation with scientists from University College Cork and developed a photochemical polymer sensor with them for oxygen measurement, for which Luxcel Biosciences Limited in Cork applied for a USA patent in 2008 and received approval in 2014 .


Individual evidence

  1. академик Бакеев Николай Филиппович (accessed September 6, 2016).
  2. NF Bakeev (on his 60th birthday) (accessed on 6 September 2016).
  3. Claudio Tencelli, Olga V. Arzhakova, Alla Dolgova, Aleksandr L. Volynski, Nikolai F. Bakeev, Joe P. Kerry, Dmitri B. Papkovsky: Oxygen-Sensitive Phosphorescent Nanomaterials Produced from High-Density Polyethylene Films by Local Solvent-Crazing . In: Analytical Chemistry . tape 86 , no. 3 , 2014, p. 1917-1923 , doi : 10.1021 / ac404072z .
  4. Patents by Inventor Nikolai Filippovich Bakeev (accessed September 6, 2016).
  5. Ukas of the President of the Russian Federation September 10, 1999 No. 1215.