Nicholas Bernett

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Nikolaus Bernett (born April 26, 1882 in Dreisielen ; † August 11, 1969 in Oldenburg ) was a German teacher, gymnastics and sports guide.

After attending the Evangelical Teachers' College in Oldenburg (1897–1901), Bernett initially worked as a primary school teacher in Easter Castle-Weelbäke. He did his military service in the Oldenburg Infantry Regiment 91 . When the First World War broke out , he joined the 1st Battalion of the Reserve Infantry Regiment 74 in Oldenburg and was promoted to lieutenant in the Landwehr . In 1915 he was shot in the right leg in France . Due to the wound, Bernett was unable to use the war and returned to Oldenburg, where he continued to work as a teacher. From 1921 to 1932 he also worked at the teachers' seminar and the pedagogical course . In 1915, Bernett married in the Trinity Church in Easter.

In 1903 he joined the Oldenburger Turnerbund and in 1912 became Oberturnwart.

From 1921 to 1933 he was a consultant (later Regional Gymnastics Council) of the State Office for Physical Exercise and Youth Care, and a consultant for school races in the Oldenburg Ministry for Churches and Schools (1926-1933). Although on May 27, 1933, in the spirit of Edmund Neuendorff , he was still committed to the German gymnastics association as the 4th pillar of National Socialism, he was removed from teacher training and the ministry in 1933 as a representative of the old regime (he was a member of the DDP ) ( but remained teacher for physical exercises in the public school service) and resigned from his offices in the gymnastics movement, since for him the synchronization of the gymnastics movement was unimaginable. In 1937 he finally succeeded in joining the NSDAP , which enabled him to take up his post as chairman of the Oldenburger Turnerbund again in 1938. With a short interruption during the occupation in 1945, Bernett was chairman of the Oldenburger Turnerbund (OTB) from 1928 to 1933, from 1938 to 1945 and then again from 1946 to 1956. From 1946 until his retirement in 1947 he worked at the Pedagogical Academy in Oldenburg for training in physical education for future elementary school teachers. He published several books on sports practice and history, in which he propagated gymnastics and leisure time exercises without performance claim. For his services to sport in Lower Saxony, he was accepted into the gallery of honor of the Lower Saxony Institute for Sports History. A street in Oldenburg is named after Bernett.

His son Hajo Bernett was a sports historian.


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Individual evidence

  1. ↑ But he kept this silent in his autobiographies, commented on by his son, and he did not take up this either.
  2. The development of the German Turnerschaft from 1933 to its dissolution in 1936. PDF
  3. ^ Arnd Krüger : Gymnastics and gymnastics lessons at the time of the Weimar Republic. Basis of today's misery in school sports? In: Arnd Krüger, Dieter Niedlich (ed.): Causes of the misery of school sports in Germany. Konrad Paschen on his 70th birthday. London: Arena 1979, pp. 13-31. ISBN 0-902175-37-8