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The Niuron (name variants Nubiloni , Nuironi , Neuroni and neurons ) were originally from the Ticino native, between the 16th and 18th century in Silesia , Central Germany and Switzerland and Savoy active master building and artistic family.

The Neuroni family

Around 1290 the ancestors of the family lived in Riva San Vitale and moved to nearby Lugano in the 14th century . The brothers Peter Niuron (* 1541 in Lugano ; † 1618 in Dessau ) and Bernhard Niuron († around 1608 in Brieg ) and their cousin Franz Niuron († around 1616 in Zerbst ) began their activities probably around 1550 in the German-speaking area within the Italian artist colony of Brieg in the Duchy of Brieg . The castle of the Dukes of Oels in Oels is considered the best preserved building by Bernhard Niuron. Peter Niuron worked in parallel in Anhalt and in Berlin, for example on the Berlin Palace.

The Niurons worked as early building contractors who, as architects, produced the design and, as entrepreneurs, also took over all the other phases of the implementation of a building contract (“turnkey”).

The pioneer for the Niurons in Brandenburg , Dresden and the Principality of Anhalt was probably the Italian fortress builder Rocco Guerrini di Linari , who, after working in Dresden and Dessau, was best known for the Spandau Citadel and the Peitz Fortress .

The renaissance castle of the Silesian Piasts in Brzeg

Bernhard Niuron's buildings in Brzeg include the palace buildings, the town hall and the fortifications. In addition, the Protestant parish church in Ohlau and the ducal palace there , buildings in Nimptsch and the Ohlauer Tor in Breslau . In Dresden her work at the Dresden City Palace could be proven. They then entered the service of Anhalt and built various buildings in Dessau, such as the Kalandhaus, the princely ballroom and, in collaboration with Rochus Graf Lynar, the castle and the fountains. They also built the castle in Harzgerode . Franz Niuron then worked as the main builder of the Long House in Köthen Palace , while Peter Niuron designed the cemetery in front of the Zerbster Heidetor, the Elbe Bridge in Roßlau and the Mulde Bridge in Dessau, and the Saalmühle in Bernburg .

Other members of the Niuron family served as soldiers in the Republic of Venice in the 17th and 18th centuries . Artistically active was Giuseppe Cesare Neuroni, who created numerous works of art in the royal castle of Turin and in the Palace of Carignano in 1683/1684 , Pietro von Lugano worked as a plasterer in the Abbey of Einsiedeln from 1680 to 1684 , Giovanni Battista Neuroni also worked as a from 1706 to 1709 Plasterer in Einsiedeln and can be proven to have worked for the new church in Lachen in 1710 .


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