Norbert Bischoff (singer-songwriter)

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Norbert Bischoff (born December 22, 1959 in Meyenburg ; † November 9, 1993 in Berlin ) was a German songwriter.


Bischoff worked for the Leipzig song group and moved to Berlin in 1976.

Since 1983 he has performed with his own song programs. He was one of the first musicians in the GDR to openly address homosexual issues. In 1984 he appeared with the song Fürwahr ein Ort zu sein. About the dealings in pubs and the program Sorry, I'm gay . At the end of 1984 the Ministry of State Security tried to win him over as an informal employee with a faked story. Bischoff broke off the collaboration after a short time.

In 1985, at the GDR Chansontage in Frankfurt (Oder), he received the General Director's Prize at the Committee for Entertainment Art for his program Excuse me, I'm the gay one and since that year has worked as a freelance singer. In 1987 he performed with Maike Maja Nowak with the program No Mai (s) dear April . Some of his songs were recorded on the radio in the GDR, his song He says he is serious about a GDR neo-Nazi was not allowed to be played, this was justified with "We don't want to show our opponents, the class enemy, our weaknesses."

In 1986 and 1990 he was a contributor to the Festival of Political Song in Berlin. In September 1989 he was one of the signatories of the resolution by rock musicians and songwriters for change in the GDR.

In the early 1990s he appeared with his band as Norbert Bischoff & Gesellschaft . The band included Tina Tandler , Lexa Thomas (both previously with Kerschowski ), Bert Wrede , Norbert Grandl (previously with Der Expander des progress ) and Juwe Andrees. In 1991 the label Zongs of Deutsche Schallplatten GmbH released their first LP Zwischen Bett & Barrikade .

On November 9, 1993, Bischoff took his own life, frustrated by developments in reunified Germany. He left the sentence The right date to disappear for a German .

The CD was released posthumously in 1994: I don't want to wait any longer - last songs by Norbert Bischoff .


  • 1991: Between Bed & Barricade , Zongs
  • 1994: I don't want to wait any longer , Peter Gotthardt publishing house
  • various publications on samplers

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Götz Hintze: Rock Lexicon of the GDR . 2nd Edition. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-89602-303-9 , p. 50.
  2. Bert Thinius , From the gray hiding place to the colorful ghetto. Views on the history of East German gay men. In: Kurt Starke , Schwuler Osten. Homosexual men in the GDR . Ch. Links Verlag , ISBN 978-3-86153-075-6 , Berlin 1994, p. 57.
  3. a b Ed Stuhler , Nothing remains secret. The State Security and the GDR songwriters , broadcast on Deutschlandfunk , June 21, 2005, manuscript , p. 18.
  4. Interview with the producer Walter Cikan , in: Peter Wicke , Rockmusik und Politik. , Ch. Links Verlag , Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-86153-096-1 , p. 83.
  5. Wilfried Bergholz , The Last Ride by Bicycle - 19 conversations with Matteo about courage, luck and rebellion in the GDR. , tredition, Hamburg 2016.