Nord Stream Race

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The Nord Stream Race is a long-distance regatta through the Baltic Sea that follows the North Stream Pipeline from St. Petersburg to Germany. The only permanent mark is the island of Bornholm , which has to be passed to the east.

The regatta has been taking place annually since 2012 in alternating directions and is organized by the North German Regatta Association (NRV) in Hamburg and the Saint Petersburg Yacht Club (SPBYC) in St. Petersburg. The race is to be established as the Fastnet Race of the Baltic Sea. The route Germany - Russia will be sailed in autumn, the following spring the return regatta to Germany will take place. The participating yachts can spend the winter in St. Petersburg.

The Nord Stream Race 2017 was sailed for the first time in four stages from Kiel via Copenhagen , Stockholm and Helsinki to St. Petersburg from August 26 to September 7, 2017. In addition, three inshore races each took place in the ports of Copenhagen and Helsinki . Sailing clubs from countries bordering the Baltic Sea are now taking part with Swan50 yachts.

The initiative to establish this demanding regatta came from the energy company Gazprom and the Saint Petersburg Yacht Club. The winning yacht receives prize money of 100,000 euros. In 2012 Swan60 yachts started as a one-size-fits-all class . ORC yachts with a minimum length of 30  feet and a GPH value less than 550 have also been permitted since 2013 .

The current speed record for the Flensburg - St. Petersburg route was set in 2013 by the yacht Outsider with skipper Tilmar Hansen : 3 days, 48 ​​minutes and 23 seconds.

Nord Stream Race: route and winner
year begin target distance Winner yacht Swan60 Skipper Winning yacht ORC Skipper
2018 Kiel St. Petersburg 750 nm RussiaRussia Russia - Lord of the Sail - Asia Sergey Musikhin
2017 Kiel St. Petersburg 750 nm SwedenSweden Sweden - Cape Crow Yacht Club Patrik Sturesson
2016 St. Petersburg Warnemünde 750 nm RussiaRussia Russia - SGM Alexander Holstein
2015 Flensburg St. Petersburg 800 nm RussiaRussia Russia - Spirit of Europe Tim Kroeger GermanyGermany Germany - Broader View Hamburg Georg Christiansen
2014 St. Petersburg Warnemünde 750 nm RussiaRussia Russia - Bronenosec Igor Frolov
2013 Flensburg St. Petersburg 800 nm RussiaRussia Russia - Tsaar Peter Adrian Stead GermanyGermany Germany - Outsider Tilmar Hansen
2012 St. Petersburg Greifswald 750 nm RussiaRussia Russia - Bronenosec Igor Frolov

Web links

Nord Stream Race

Individual evidence

  1. a b Lars Bolle: Nord Stream Race: New Baltic Sea Regatta: 800 nm nonstop , yacht , February 8, 2013, accessed on October 2, 2015.
  2. Nord Stream Race 2017: Race List , accessed on February 9, 2018
  3. Nord Stream Race 2017: Race Results ( Memento of the original from February 9, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , English, accessed February 9, 2018 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Lars Bolle: Nord Stream Race: New Regatta on the Gas Pipeline , Yacht, August 22, 2012, accessed on October 2, 2015.
  5. Team Russia wins overall , accessed on August 28, 2018
  6. Team Sweden wins leg home in Volvo Ocean Race conditions (James Boyd), August 30, 2017 , in English, accessed on February 11, 2018