Nordkirchener Hof

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Elevation of the planned Nordkirchener Hof by Johann Conrad Schlaun
Draft floor plan with garden for the Nordkirchener Hof by JC Schlaun

The Nordkirchener Hof was an urban aristocratic residence in Münster . It was on Aegidiistraße, where later a Kolping House was and is now a hotel .

Gerhard III. von Morrien , Hereditary Marshal of the Principality of Münster , acquired a building in Münster in 1531 in order to have a permanent residence in the state capital. By purchasing confiscated Anabaptist houses and other neighboring buildings between 1536 and 1539, he expanded the initially simple building into a representative complex. Together with the Morrien headquarters in Nordkirchen, this came to the Prince-Bishop of Münster , Friedrich Christian von Plettenberg- Lenhausen, who bequeathed the property to his nephew Ferdinand von Plettenberg . In 1721/22 he forged plans for the new building of a magnificent city courtyard in order to imitate his uncle Bernhard Engelbert Christian von Beverförde-Werries and his brother-in-law Ferdinand Dietrich von Merveldt zu Westerwinkel . Around 1700 they had the Beverfoerder Hof and the Merveldtschen Hof, a magnificent city ​​palace built in Münster. The designs made for Plettenbergs Adelshof by the brothers Gottfried Laurenz Pictorius and Peter Pictorius the Younger for new buildings in the style of a Roman palace and in the French pavilion style have been preserved.

Plettenberg made a brilliant career at the court of the Prince-Bishop, whom he was able to secure the election of Archbishop of Cologne in 1723 . In gratitude for this, Clemens August von Bayern appointed him Prime Minister of his principalities. The new office also meant that Ferdinand von Plettenberg no longer stayed mainly in Münster, but at the electoral court in Bonn . And so from then on he devoted himself to expanding his Plettenberger Hof in Bonn. Received drafts for a new building in Münster by Johann Conrad Schlaun and Dominique Girard from 1725 testify that Ferdinand von Plettenberg never completely gave up the redesign of his Münster city palace, but the plans never came to fruition.

Today there is a modern hotel on the site of the Nordkirchener Hof, which was established there between 1992 and 1994. It replaced a Kolping House built in 1906 by the Münster Kolping Family .


  • Gerd Dethlefs (Ed.): Nordkirchen Castle. Deutscher Kunstverlag , Munich / Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-02304-8 , pp. 181-183.
  • Gerd Dethlefs: Three plans for the Nordkirchener Hof in Münster - perhaps by Dominique Girard. In: Hans Galen (Ed.): Johann Conrad Schlaun in Münster. Exhibition, Stadtmuseum Münster, April 4 to November 5, 1995. Stadtmuseum Münster, Münster 1995, ISBN 3-7923-0680-8 , pp. 53–56.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c G. Dethlefs: Nordkirchen Castle. 2012, p. 181.
  2. History of the City Hotel Münster ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive )

Coordinates: 51 ° 57 ′ 32.2 "  N , 7 ° 37 ′ 20.7"  E