Norman Weichselbaum

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Norman Weichselbaum

Norman Weichselbaum (born March 2, 1961 in Vienna ) is an Austrian author , event producer and video designer. He is co-founder of the TV / CD format Kiddy Contest . Together with Erwin Kiennast he runs the company OPERATOR.


Norman Weichselbaum attended the Realgymnasium Währing , then the commercial academy and finally the private conservatory Vienna-Mühlgasse. In addition to some recordings as a singer and the participation as a singer / bassist in various rock bands, Weichselbaum established himself primarily in the journalistic field in the 1980s. Until 1992 he was the editor-in-chief and authorized signatory of a musicians' magazine, and he also wrote articles for the magazines Wiener , Billboard and Cashflow . From 1985 to 1991 Norman Weichselbaum was also a regular radio host on Radio Uno and Antenne Austria . During this time he also gained his first experience as a designer / director of video productions. a. as a contribution designer for SAT 1 and in the music sector (video clip for Thomas Forstner - "Vera" / 1989).

In 1992 Norman Weichselbaum founded the music and event production company OPERATOR with Erwin Kiennast . In addition to the content-related conception of company events for Samsung, Western Union, Erste Bank, Nivea and countless other industrial companies, the Kiddy Contest format was also created in this partnership in 1995, which has been one of the most successful music formats in Austria with 1.4 million records sold since 1995. In 2003, Weichselbaum published his only novel "Mamy Blue" with VaBene, for which Georg Danzer wrote the foreword. Since 2012 Norman Weichselbaum has been responsible for production and visual design for the Nestroy Theater Prize and the broadcast on ORF III . In 2015, Norman Weichselbaum was awarded the Golden Decoration of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria for his work .


  • 1992 Double Platinum Award for the "Birthday Song" production by Powerpack (Sony Music)
  • 1993 Austrian Musical award from Austro Mechana for the stage play Rails
  • 1994 Gold Award for the single We Are the Winners by Superchamp (Sony Music)
  • 1994 Gold Award for the album The City Of Powerpack by Powerpack (Sony Music)
  • 1995–2014 Multiple gold and platinum awards for the TV / CD format "Kiddy Contest" (Sony Music)
  • 1995 Chart placement of the single Do The Can Can by Collage, featuring Ruth Brauer (Zyx)
  • 1998 Award from the Republic of Austria for services to youth music from Federal Chancellor Viktor Klima
  • 1999 Austrian Event Award in platinum for the conception of the interactive theater play Mission: Coil on the * VOEST site, Linz
  • 2000 Gold Award for the single Siegerstrasse von Ohrrausch (official title song of the ORF reality show "Taxi Orange")
  • 2003 Amadeus Music Award in the category "Best Producer"
  • 2015 Decoration of Honor in Gold for Services to the Republic of Austria


  • 1980 Single Leiwande Christmas (PolyGram)
  • 1985 single princess (MusicPool)
  • 1986 single Every Day (MusicPool)
  • 1995–2003 show book for several Christmas programs by Sandra Pires & Erwin Kiennast
  • 1996 Development of the interactive game "Confetti" (CD-ROM) for ORF Enterprise
  • 1998 Text of the title song for the ORF / ZDF series Schlosshotel Orth (interpreter: Kristina Bach)
  • 2005–2016 conception and texting of all kiddy contest live shows
  • 2008 Conception and lyrics of the concept album Fatura (Sony Music)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nestroy prizes for Elfriede Jelinek and Luc Bondy . Wiener Zeitung, October 10, 2013