Emergency mother service

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Emergency mothers service for families and senior citizens
purpose Aid for children, young people, families and the elderly
Chair: Michael Damian
Establishment date: 1969
Seat : Frankfurt am Main
Website: https://www.notmuetterdienst.de

The Notmütterdienst Familien- und Seniorenhilfe eV (NMD) is a politically and denominationally independent organization of free welfare and social services in the field of child, youth, family and senior citizen aid. The registered association was founded in 1969 by the Hessers and is based in Frankfurt am Main . He is a corporate member of the AWO welfare association and has focused in particular on the organization and implementation of short-term childcare, elderly care and domestic help (as part of household-related services) in various German cities. The emergency mothers service currently has four branches in Frankfurt am Main, Cologne , Berlin and Hamburg as well as six other regional offices in Germany.

Goal of the association and activities

According to the statutes, the purpose and task of the association is, among other things, to strengthen and improve the situation of families and single parents , to ensure the care of children and young people in family emergency situations, to promote the balance between work and family and gender equality. In practice, this is done in particular through a care offer that, according to the above purpose, is intended to help close gaps in care provision. To this end, the NMD cooperates with various social and insurance agencies. In case of acute need, those affected can contact the NMD, who will then look for a suitable supervisor and check whether a cost assumption or subsidy is possible. Alternatively, the NMD can also be used privately. On the part of the caregivers, an extended police clearance certificate is one of the minimum requirements, professional qualifications and relevant experience in caring are desirable. Resource planning and accounting are taken over by the association or its respective branches and offices.

History of the Notmütterdienst eV

The emergency mothers service arose out of a private emergency: When Charlotte Hesser had to look after her sick husband and three children in Koblenz in 1968 , she was looking for a temporary substitute mother. From this private search and the lack of appropriate offers, the idea arose to offer an appropriate mediation service for mothers in need . In 1969 she and her husband, the psychologist Alois Hesser, founded the emergency mothers' service as a non-profit organization in Frankfurt. The NMD is one of the first organizations of its kind in Germany . To this day, similar services are mostly carried out by commercial providers nationwide.

Originally, Charlotte Hesser worked with index cards , the placement took place from her desk in her own apartment. Later, Hesser's daughter Ingrid Damian took over the management of the association. Under her leadership, the restructuring from a regional to a national offer took place. In the meantime, the NMD Frankfurt is managed in the third generation by Mona Damian. In the course of time, the range of services offered by the NMD was expanded to include other areas of family and household help in addition to childcare. In 2019 the association celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Organization and structure

The NMD consists of four branches and several regional offices, each of which is integrated into the association, but with its own office manager acts independently. The executive board , which consists of seven members, is authorized to make decisions . The chairman is Michael Damian, and vice chairman Oliver Damian, who also heads the Berlin office. The founder's granddaughter, Mona Damian, is one of the other members. The patron is the Frankfurt city councilor Daniela Birkenfeld .


The association was awarded the Walter Möller plaque from the city of Frankfurt in 1982, its founder Charlotte Hesser received the Elisabeth Norgall Prize in 1986 and the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in 1992 .


  • Emergency mother service. In: Monika Jaeckel, Hildegard Schooß, Hannelore Weskamp (eds.): Mothers in the center - mothers center: balance of a self-help movement. German Youth Institute , Munich 1997, ISBN 3-87966-376-9 , p. 81 f.

Web links

References and comments

  1. a b Notmütterdienst Familien- und Seniorenhilfe eV: Articles of Association (PDF), notmuetterdienst.de , accessed on April 1, 2019
  2. a b About us. In: notmuetterdienst.de . Retrieved March 26, 2019 .
  3. Child care: mothers for emergencies. In: Brigitte . December 9, 2008, accessed March 26, 2019 .
  4. If suddenly the mother is missing: A private non-profit organization arranges “emergency mothers”. FAZ , August 14, 1971
  5. Regional office Middle Rhine: How the emergency mother service is set up , Rhein-Zeitung , January 16, 2018
  6. Alexander Hagelüken, Korbinian Eisenberger: If the day care center fails , Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 11, 2015
  7. Comforting is one of the greatest tasks. FAZ, June 1, 2001, p. 71
  8. "Here I can help people". In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. February 14, 2018, accessed March 26, 2019 .
  9. ^ Walter Möller badge from the city of Frankfurt , frankfurt.de , accessed on March 26, 2019
  10. ^ Frankfurter Stadtchronik 1986. In: Institute for City History (Frankfurt am Main) . February 7, 2015, accessed March 26, 2019 .
  11. ^ Judith Dietermann: Ingrid Damian has a heart for people , Frankfurter Neue Presse , February 7, 2015
  12. ^ Award certificate. Retrieved May 13, 2019 .