Upper Sorbian core settlement area

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Upper Sorbian core settlement area
state Saxony
district Bautzen
Biggest town Wittichenau / Kulow
Total population 22,472 (December 31, 2015)
Sorbs approx. 12,350
Total share of Sorbs approx. 55%
Largest proportion of Sorbs 84.4% ( Crostwitz / Chrósćicy )

The Upper Sorbian core settlement area describes that part of the Sorbian settlement area in which the Upper Sorbian first language is particularly present in the majority of the population or in everyday life. This area is located in the vicinity of the monastery water in eastern Saxony . Most of the Sorbian speakers live in the administrative association Am Klosterwasser in the Bautzen district .

Location and situation

The Upper Sorbian core settlement area is located in the southwest of the Sorbian settlement area. The preservation of the Upper Sorbian language was favored by the low influx of Germans due to the low level of industrialization . The area also includes the strongly Catholic part of Upper Lusatia in a triangle between Bautzen , Kamenz and Hoyerswerda . The Catholic Sorbs living there have stuck to the traditions more strongly , so the linguistic tradition has also kept. There are several elementary schools in the core settlement area.


The Upper Sorbian core settlement area comprises the five municipalities in the administrative association Am Klosterwasser, Radibor as well as three other municipalities and the city of Wittichenau with a Sorbian population of less than 50 percent.

German name Upper Sorbian name Residents Sorbent content
City of Wittichenau Kulow 5,800 approx. 35%
Crostwitz Chrósćicy 1,017 approx. 84.4%
Nebelschütz Njebjelčicy 1,157 approx. 66.36%
Panschwitz-Kuckau Pančicy-Kukow 2.116 approx. 50%
Räckelwitz Worklecy 1.103 approx. 61.92%
Ralbitz-Rosenthal Ralbicy-Róžant 1,697 approx. 84.34%
Radibor Radwor 3,166 approx. 70%
Goeda Hodzij 3,084
Neschwitz Njeswačidło 2,511
Pushwitz Bóšicy 0.821

Historical development

Arnost Muka counted in today's Upper Sorbian core settlement area in the eighties of the 19th century proportions of Sorbischsprechern of more than 80 percent to nearly 100 percent of the population. Ernst Tschernik counted different shares in 1954. Upper Sorbian made up an average of 50–80 percent. According to a referendum in the administrative association Am Klosterwasser 2001, the proportion of Sorbian-speaking residents in some communities had increased compared to the 1950s. Especially in the administrative association Am Klosterwasser, the Sorbs now make up a large part of the population and make up the majority of the population.


The majority of the residents in the parishes are Catholic (sometimes over 90 percent). There are predominantly Catholic churches. The area lies in the predominantly Catholic triangle between Bautzen, Kamenz and Hoyerswerda.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Martin Walde: Demographic-statistical considerations in the Upper Lusatian community association “Am Klosterwasser” (PDF). 2004, accessed September 22, 2017 .
  2. Population of the Free State of Saxony at the end of each month for selected reporting months by municipality. January 1, 2017, accessed September 22, 2017 .
  3. Ernst Tschernik: The development of the Sorbian population . Ed .: Akademie-Verlag. Berlin 1954.
  4. National minority scholars study the history and languages ​​of the Sorbs . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( deutschlandfunk.de [accessed on September 22, 2017]).
  5. Cyrkej swjateju Symana a Judy. Retrieved on September 22, 2017 (Upper Sorbian).