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City of Hayingen
Coordinates: 48 ° 15 ′ 21 ″  N , 9 ° 30 ′ 33 ″  E
Postal code : 72534
Area code : 07386
Oberwilzingen from the south
Oberwilzingen from the south

Oberwilzingen is a village with 43 inhabitants (Jan. 2018) that belongs to the city of Hayingen . Hayingen is part of the Reutlingen district ( Tübingen district ) in the state of Baden-Württemberg and is located in the Swabian Alb biosphere area .


The village is located southeast of Hayingen on a plateau in the Swabian Alb above the valley of the Große Lauter at 595 meters above sea level.

Oberwilzingen is surrounded by gently rolling, relatively water-rich and fertile pasture and arable land (approx. 40 ha). This agricultural area is in turn surrounded by forests, some of which are part of the village.

Today there is no further connection between Unterwilzingen and Oberwilzingen.


In the south of Oberwilzingen there are some springs ( stratified springs ), the watercourses of which merge into a stream that flows north to the valley of the Große Lauter. However, the stream sometimes seeps away at the edge of the valley, so that the Schneiderstal, which leads down to the Großer Lauter, then remains dry. The cause is a deep, extensive layer of molasses in the village area, which ends at the edge of the valley because this is where the porous Jura limestone begins and causes seepage.


Oberwilzingen from the north.

The village of Oberwilzingen was mentioned as early as 805. At that time it was owned by the St. Gallen Monastery . After many changes of ownership, Oberwilzingen then belonged to the Zwiefalten monastery for a long time . When this dissolved in 1802, Oberwilzingen became an independent municipality with its own mayor for a short time. It was connected to Hayingen as early as 1830 , which belonged to the Münsingen Oberamt , later to the Münsingen district . Hayingen and thus Oberwilzingen have been part of the Reutlingen district since 1973.


Oberwilzingen has always been an agricultural village in which the surrounding pasture and arable land was used for livestock and milk production. Around 1910, up to 40,000 liters of milk were produced annually in Oberwilzingen and sold to the Obermarchtal dairy . They skimmed the milk on site, took the cream with them and gave the skimmed milk back to the farmers. Later, part of the pastureland gradually became arable land, on which high-quality feed for cattle farming was grown in order to be able to sell more cattle for slaughter.

The ripe cornfields of Oberwilzingen.

Today there are only two large farms that cultivate the fields and grow grain and maize according to today's principles. So on the one hand slaughter cattle (bulls) are raised, on the other hand milk is produced. Also biogas heard in Oberwilzingen today to the agriculturally produced products.

In 1990 the Stiehle company was established in Oberwilzingen to plan and manufacture kitchen and bathroom furnishings. The company, which is constantly developing and expanding, is now successful throughout Germany and employs around 60 people. Intelligent energy technologies (natural energy) are also one of the priorities of the innovative company with headquarters in Oberwilzingen.

Donations to the Zwiefalten monastery

During the 400-year period that the village belonged to the Zwiefalten monastery until 1802, the farmers were obliged to pay taxes to the monastery. This meant that fixed shares of the harvest of their fields belonged to the monastery. The so-called tithe , i.e. a tenth of the harvest, was collected from many fields . The so-called Landgarbe was collected from other fields. B. every 4th sheaf of the grain harvest had to be given to the monastery.

One of the four field land maps of Oberwilzingen, which Pater Placidus Wescher drew up in 1776 to determine the grain taxes to the Zwiefalten monastery.

In order to more clearly define the proportions of each field to be given to the monastery, so-called field field maps were made, i.e. hand-drawn maps. Pater Placidus Wescher, a Zwiefalter monk, drew such field floor maps for most of the 23 villages belonging to the Zwiefalten Monastery, which are still kept in the Stuttgart State Archives because of their importance for the development of cartography . It defines with colors, letters, numbers etc. how much the owners of the individual parcels have to give to the monastery. In 1776, the priest from the Oberwilzingen area made four field-floor maps that belonged together, in which the local chapels are shown for orientation.

Tower of the Chapel of St. James.


Oberwilzingen has a Roman Catholic influence. The village is now part of the pastoral care unit Zwiefalter Alb in the Reutlingen-Zwiefalten deanery of the Rottenburg-Stuttgart diocese .

The chapel of St. James

The landmark of Oberwilzingen is the baroque chapel St. Jakobus in the center of the village , which was built in 1736 by the Zwiefalten monastery and today belongs to the Catholic parish of Hayingen. The chapel is a listed building.

Special features in Oberwilzingen

The so-called Klösterle. Probably the former accommodation of the Zwiefalter monastery administrators.

Little is known about the past of the so-called Klösterle on the upper local road. Fathers of the Aachen Mission probably last lived there. Previously it is said to have been used as a manorial hunter's house. Presumably it was originally the accommodation of the Zwiefalter monastery administrators. The impressive, now unused structure is in poor condition and is not a listed building. Its future use after a thorough restoration is unclear.

The historic Zehntscheuer on Kapellenplatz is now privately owned and is a listed building.

A cast iron crucifix stands on an inscribed stone base in the Öschle . It was donated in 1885 by Franz Anton Müller and his wife Franziska and is a listed building.

In the vernacular, the people of Oberwilzingen are often called "Hertbrennte" (hard brandy), the Unterwilzinger "Heckenfloher". The Hayinger citizens are nicknamed "Dorschen" ( turnips ).


  • State Statistical Office: Description of the Münsingen Oberamt . Stuttgart 1912.
  • Main State Archive Stuttgart: Signature H 236 Bd. 140 and Bd. 150 (stock book, measurement protocol).
  • Main State Archives Stuttgart: Signature N 40 No. 24 Illus. 59, 60, 61, 62 (4 field floor maps 1776).
  • Main State Archives Stuttgart: Signature N 40 No. 15 picture 1 (1 field corridor map 1749).
  • State Archive Ludwigsburg: Signature EL 68 VI No. 10846 (map sheet from approx. 1848).

Individual evidence

  1. Main State Archives Stuttgart: Signature N 40 No. 24 Fig. 59, 60, 61, 62.