Sliven Oblast

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Basic data
Region: Central Bulgaria
Administrative headquarters: Sliven
Surface: 3,544 km²
Residents: 188,433 (2017)
Population density: 53.2 inhabitants per km²
NUTS: BG code: BG342
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About this picture

The Oblast Sliven ( Bulgarian Област Сливен ) is an administrative unit in the center of Bulgaria . The largest city in the region is Sliven of the same name .


In the Oblast (district) Sliven 188,433 inhabitants live on an area of ​​3544 km². According to the 2001 census, Roma make up 11.2% of the population, the highest rate in any Bulgarian oblast.


city Bulgarian name Population
(December 31, 2017)
Sliven Сливен 87,063
Nowa Sagora Нова Загора 20,987
Twardiza Твърдица 5,643
Kotel Котел 5,268
Zhivachevo Шивачево 3,636
Kermen Кермен 1,512

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