Odon Vallet

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Odon Pierre Maurice Marie Vallet (born September 3, 1947 in Paris ) is a French lawyer and religious scholar .


Odon Vallet's father, Jean Vallet, the former director of the insurance company Gpa-Athéna, was killed in a car accident in 1954. So he was raised by his mother, nee de Blanpré, who was a nurse. Vallet inherited 320 million francs in 1989 , which corresponds to around 70 million euros when the father's company was sold. He was 42 years old at the time. In 1999 he and his brother used this fortune to set up a foundation to provide financial support for students from all over the world who cannot afford their studies (Fondation Vallet). This foundation is supported and managed by the Fondation de France .


He went to the Catholic primary school in Bossuet in Paris , then to the secondary schools in Montaigne and Louis-le-Grand, and from 1964 he attended the high school (lycée d'altitude) of Briançon , where he practiced numerous sports: cycling , cross-country skiing and mountaineering .

In 1970 Odon Vallet received the diploma of the renowned École libre de sciences politiques , Sciences-Po . From 1971 to 1973 he supplemented this with the course at the École nationale d'administration (ENA) and thus completed two degrees at what are probably the most elite institutions for training public personnel. In 1985 he completed two doctorates, one in law and one in religious studies.


As he found that his income as a writer and lecturer was absolutely sufficient for his needs, he decided in 1999 to use the fortune that he had inherited 10 years earlier to set up the Fondation Odon Vallet.

Research priorities

Odon Vallet is a specialist in Asia , the Middle and Far East (especially Vietnam ) and Africa , where he has traveled extensively.

In his numerous writings on religious studies, he deals with those central topics that are revolved around in the various religions of the world, such as the desire for immortality, the preservation of memories and the sanctification of covenants. He describes the syncretistic mixing and competition of the most diverse religions and their function in today's society, especially in the secular system of France. In view of the increasing diversity of religious currents, sects, but also different forms of non-belief, he approves of this as a guarantee of a generally neutral public space.

Due to the topicality and explosiveness of his questions, Odon Vallet is a prominent figure on French television.


  • Les Hautes-Alpes - hommes et nature en montagne , Éditions Berger-Levrault , 1975.
  • Culture générale , 1988.
  • L'École ou De la vanité considérée comme un mode de gouvernement , 1991.
  • Femmes et religions , 1994.
  • L'État et le politique , 1994.
  • Les Religions dans le monde , 1995.
  • L'Affaire Oscar Wilde ou You danger de laisser la justice mettre le nez dans nos draps , Albin Michel , 1995.
  • Les Grandes religions d'aujourd'hui , 1998.
  • Le Honteux et le Sacré , Albin Michel, 1998.
  • Qu'est-ce qu'une religion? , Albin Michel, 1999.
  • Jésus et Bouddha , Albin Michel, 1999.
  • Une autre histoire des religions , 2000.
  • Le Cantique des cantiques , 2000.
  • Hymnes à la Terre-Mère , 2000.
  • Hymnes au masculin , 2000.
  • Petit Lexique des idées fausses sur les religions , Albin Michel, 2002; 2008.
  • L'Évangile des païens , Albin Michel, 2003; 2006.
  • Dieu a changé d'adresse - Propos d'un pharisien libéré , Albin Michel, 2004.
  • Petit Lexique des guerres de religion d'hier et d'aujourd'hui , Albin Michel, 2004.
  • Petite grammaire de l'érotisme divin , Albin Michel, 2005.
  • Corps Divins , un livre sur les artistes Pierre et Gilles aux Éditions du Chêne, 2006.
  • Petit Lexique des mots essentiels , Albin Michel, 2001; 2007.
  • Dieu n'est pas mort ... mais il est un peu malade , 2007.
  • Dieu et le Village planétaire , 2008.
  • Les Enfants du miracle - Des milieux les plus défavorisés jusqu'aux bancs des grandes écoles , Albin Michel, 2009.
  • Odon Vallet: Biographie Philanthropique , avec Guillaume Herbaut et Guy-Pierre Chomette, Éditions Jean di Sciullo, 2010.

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