Oelsen (Krölpa)

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Krölpa municipality
Coordinates: 50 ° 39 ′ 24 ″  N , 11 ° 30 ′ 32 ″  E
Incorporation : 1st February 1974
Incorporated into: Graefendorf
Postal code : 07387
Area code : 03647
View from the south
View from the south

Oelsen is a district of the municipality of Krölpa in the Saale-Orla district in Thuringia .


Oelsen is located about two and a half kilometers southwest of the town of Krölpa on the road from Könitz to Ranis .


Oelsen was first mentioned in a document on January 23, 1379. The church was rebuilt in 1806. Oelsen belonged to the electoral office of Arnshaugk until 1815 and after its assignment, decided at the Congress of Vienna , came to the Prussian district of Ziegenrück , to which the place belonged until 1945.

The place was incorporated into the municipality of Graefendorf on February 1, 1974 , which in turn was incorporated into Krölpa on January 1, 1997.

Church of Sankt Urban in Oelsen

The Clythenberg with the Clythenloch is located near the village. A large number of cultural relics from the Paleolithic and the Migration Period were found in two caves. The bones of many young animals were striking. It should have been a place of worship.

Clythen Rock

Population development

The population was 47 in 1933 and rose to 59 in 1939.

View towards the center of the village

Web links

Commons : Oelsen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wolfgang Kahl : First mention of Thuringian towns and villages. A manual. 5th, improved and considerably enlarged edition. Rockstuhl, Bad Langensalza 2010, ISBN 978-3-86777-202-0 , p. 213.
  2. ^ StBA: Changes in the municipalities, see 1997
  3. Michael Köhler: Pagan sanctuaries. Pre-Christian places of worship and suspected cult sites in Thuringia . Jenzig-Verlag Köhler, Jena 2007, ISBN 978-3-910141-85-8 , p. 125 .
  4. ^ Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. Ziegenrück district. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).