Oksa Pollock

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Anne Plichota (left) and Cendrine Wolf (2010)

Oksa Pollock is the main character in a fantasy youth book series written by the two French authors Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf . The novels triggered a “pollockmania” in France . The series consists of six volumes, two of which were published in 2010 and one in 2011 in France. In Germany, the first volume was published in 2011 under the title Oksa Pollock. The unexpected published. The second volume followed in the summer of 2011 under the title Oksa Pollock. Die Entschwundenen , the third volume in February 2012 under the title Oksa Pollock. The unfaithful . All volumes have also been published as audio books.

The series was translated by Bettina Bach and Lisa-Maria Rust. The cover design for the German edition was done by Anike Hage and Jonas Schenk .

Oksa Pollock is a 13 year old French woman. She bears her name Oksa after the first name of Plichota's Polish aunt Oksana.


The two authors self- published the first novel in the series . The French publisher Gallimard , which publishes the Harry Potter novels by Joanne K. Rowling in France, rejected publication in 2007. The authors initially sold the book through bookstores and set up a website. They sold 14,000 copies by mailing the books themselves. Finally, the retail chain Fnac added the books to its range.

The authors received a lot of attention in 2007 during the Colmar Book Fair , where young readers stood in line. Plichota and Wolf no longer attended the following book fairs, which caused a 14-year-old fan named Achille to fear that they would give up writing. In the letter “aux personnes importantes” (German: “To important people”) on October 14, 2009 in the weblog of the weekly newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur , he asked to help the “Pollockmaniacs”, many fans were frustrated.

In 2010 and 2011 the first three novels were published by the Parisian publisher XO Éditions. The initial circulation of the first novel was 50,000 copies. The license has now been sold in 22 countries; the first three volumes reached a circulation of 100,000 copies. The authors made it onto the French bestseller lists with their novels . The filming is planned.


The Unexpected (first volume)

13-year-old Oksa Pollock moves with her family from Paris to London , where her father wants to open a restaurant. There she attended the College St. Proximus, a French-speaking school. Her boyfriend Gus Bellanger and his parents also moved to London; Oksa and Gustave are in the same eighth grade, which is called hydrogen .

Oksa discovers she can do magic when her doll goes up in flames. However, she must keep her magic powers a secret. Her family ruled the vanished world of Edefia, and it is Oksa's job to bring the family back there. She is supported by her grandmother Dragomira, who is surrounded by creatures such as the Plemplems, the Getorixen or the sensitive Sensibylle.

Oksa's opponent is her class teacher McGraw. Oksa and Gus suspect that he works for the CIA after discovering a strange list of names in his possession. Oksa only gradually finds out that Orthon is hiding behind him, whose father Ocious also came from Edefia.

During the holidays in Wales , her grandmother's brother, the conductor Leomido Fortensky, teaches her to improve her extraordinary skills. Oksa tends to be cocky and therefore gets the ringed pupo, which is supposed to protect her from carelessness by pulsing on her wrist. Oksa learns to fly and other skills that she needs for her job and for her own protection.

The climax comes when McGraw transforms into Oksa's grandmother, whom he has captured. Oksa faces both of them but finds out who her grandmother Dragomira and who McGraw is. Her friend Gustave helps her with this. Abakum, Dragomira's godfather, supposedly destroys McGraw with the help of his Granuk spit, causing McGraw, the infidelity , to literally explode. But his son Mortimer McGraw collects the particles of a black hole in a vial into which his father had turned.

The vanished (second volume)

At the end of the last day before the summer vacation, Oksa has to go to the toilet briefly and gives her friend Gus her bag with magical utensils. When she's not back after half an hour, Gus wants to look for her. As he walks past the chemistry room, he hears a female voice calling him. He follows the voice and touches the painting of a woman. Gus is sucked in with Oksa's bag and finds himself in the painting.

Oksa and Pierre, Gus 'father, find Gus' cell phone with a photo of the woman in the painting and conclude that Gus is in the painting. To save Gus, Oksa, her father Pavel, her great-uncle Leomido, the godfather and protector of her grandmother Abakum, Tugdual, the grandson of two friends of Dragomira and some magical creatures, etc. a. paint in the plempline, Dragomira's servant. They find themselves in an eerie forest, which they cross and then meet Gus and Reminiscence, the grandmother of Oksa's great cousin Zoe and lover Leomidos.

Because Dagomira and others Can-Save-Yourself stay there to take care of the painting, it turns out that Mercedica is one of the Can-Save-Yourselfs who is loyal and wants to steal the painting. Dragomira hides the painting with Merlin, a school friend of Oksa and Gus, who knows about their origins.

They manage to save themselves from the painting, but Leomido and the Plempline die in the process. At home in Bigtoe Square, the rescuers are shocked to find that Marie, Oksa's mother, has been kidnapped.

The end of the book is a torrential rain in which the family flees London.

The Faithful (third volume)

The save-yourself-who-can flee to Leomido's house, but they do not stay there long because they have to bring Marie back from the infidel, but also need an antidote for Gus that only the infidel have. They get to this island by ship. With the infidel there are Mercedica with her family, Orthon with his sons Gregor and Mortimer and other infidelities with whom the Rescue-Who-Can-Have to join forces in order to get to Edefia. Gus has to transform himself into a wallwalker to survive. Because he bites Oksa, she also has to transform into a wall walker. In doing so, they get 2–3 years older. After Reminiscence has killed Mercedica, as this Reminiscence killed 'son and his wife, the journey to Edefia's gate begins. Gus, Marie and others from Out There cannot go to Edefia and Dragomira dies as soon as the Save-Who-Can-Be arrives in Edefia and becomes an ageless fairy. Then the two parties, those who can save themselves and those who break faith, get to Ocious, where Orthon learns that he still has a half-brother named Andreas. In order for Oksa to transform into a wall walker, Ocious needs the love of a teenager. Orthon points to Tugdual, but Zoé sacrifices himself and throws all kinds of bad things at Tugdual, such as that he doesn't love Oksa at all and is only interested in her power. Then Tugdual flees and does not come back. The book ends with Oksa being drawn for the Singing Spring and seeing Dragomira's soul there, which shows her a dream flight.

The Indomitable (fourth volume)

Oksa becomes the new gracious of Edefia and has to massage the hearts of both worlds with the help of her beloved, deceased grandmother and that of the ageless fairies and thus restore the balance. But Edefia is far from saved, because Ocioius and his followers try to get Oksa to open the gate to the outside for them. Therefore Oksa has to flee to Baumkroning, where she is reunited with her loved ones. Also with Tugdual, who totally confuses Oksa. Because on the one hand she enjoys being close to him, but on the other hand he is incredibly puzzling. In addition, Oksa sorely misses her mother and Gus, who had to stay outside and are terminally ill.

Orthon kills his father, who always rejected him, and is now trying to seize power on his own. In a great battle, Oksa and her friends can recapture the golden mean, but Tugdual's mother and Camaron, whom Orthon has transformed into himself, die in the process, so that he can transform himself into Camaron in order to get out there. With the help of the Sensibyllen, who can see everyone's heart, you can check who has a pure heart and who are thus friends. But they hesitate about Tugdual, which makes Oksa suspicious. Her distrust grows when she watches a secret meeting between Tugdual and Orthon's son Mortimer. But their concern about Mortimer subsides when this Oksa brings the "Tochalis", the only plant that can cure Oksa's sick mother, from a part of Edefia, which calls himself the inaccessible, and joins them, with which he dissociates himself from his father renounces. But her beloved Tugdual is manipulated by Orthon and no longer has an opinion of his own, whereupon he turns away from the save-yourself-who-can and breaks Oksa's heart. At the same time she learns that Tugdual is Orthon's son. Orhan has transformed into Tugdual's father and fathered Tugdual with his mother, Helena. Helena never knew.

The book ends with the "Who-Can-Save-Yourself", Oksa, Pavel, Zoe, Mortimer, Galina (Leomido's daughter), the Plemplem, Cameron's sons and Galina's daughters, entering the outside with a gracious heart , including abakum. But Orthorn, who disguised himself as Cameron, Leomido's son, smuggles his two sons Tugdual and Gregor through the gate.

The Divided (fifth volume)

Orthon wants to usurp world domination. He frees prisoners who know about technology and buys almost all the food in the world. He has the necessary money because he has sold rare diamonds from Edefia.

But Orthon makes a mistake by asking a young hacker if he wants to work for him. The hacker reveals to Oksa that Orthon is on an oil rig. Oksa flies there with her friend Gus, whom she is getting closer and closer to. She learns that Orthon stores large amounts of uranium and uses it to build a rocket that is supposed to destroy the mother star, the protector of Edefias, and thus also kill Oksa.

Suddenly, Tugdual appears as the singer of the band New Hope, whose new music video is spreading faster than wildfire. With the help of Niall, the best hacker in the world, they find out that the video contains subliminal messages, which lead the viewer without his knowledge to love Orthon and to celebrate as a hero.

Orthon then commits a terrible crime at a New Hope concert near Niagara Falls: he kills hundreds of young people. Oksa and her friends were able to save about 600 young people from it.

The book ends with Fergus Ant, Vice President of the United States and ally of Orthons, taking the place of President in which Orthon kills him.

The Merciless (sixth volume)

The sixth volume is entitled “Oksa Pollock. The Merciless ”and was published in August 2014.

Orthon does everything to destroy the magical land of Edefia and to bring the world under his rule. Oksa and her allies don't have much time to stop him and Tugdual, who has switched to Othon's side, to withdraw. Oksa and the other Save-Who-Can-Be received an invitation from Orthon to experience a huge spectacle. They accept this invitation and see how Orthon almost destroys the mother star, and with it Oksa, with a rocket. After a long struggle, they manage to destroy the remote control that controls it. Orthon kidnaps his niece Zoé, his son Mortimer and Tugdual, whom he gives an injection. Through this syringe they become translucent ones that are supposed to destroy Edefia from the inside. The book ends with Tugdual, Mortimer, Zoé Babera, the mother of Mortimer and Abakum, the protector of those who can save themselves, decide to stay outside so as not to destroy Edefia. They break Oksa's heart with it, but they don't change their minds. Oksa, GUS and their parents are welcomed happily and from then on they live in Edefia.


The NDR website says about the first novel Die Unverhoffte published in Germany : “The mythical creatures inspire the target group - ten to twelve year old girls. Oksa Pollock, however, is unlikely to be an all-age success like Harry Potter . It is not literarily mature enough for that and overall a bit too playful. ”On the NDR Info website , young readers like eight-year-old Johanna also said:“ I think 'Oksa Pollock' is good and also very exciting. There are only some words that are complicated that I don't quite understand. But since I read the book with my mom, it works very well. "

The Badische Zeitung judged: “The highly successful young heroine from France doesn't have to hide at all. Just because the magical boarding school student Harry Potter existed before her, Oksa Pollock is not a half-hearted or even calculated imitation. "

Solveig Bach wrote on the website of the television station n-tv : “A good story develops around Oksa with many characters, with whom you sometimes run the risk of losing track between plemplems and granuck-spit. All of this is written in a humorous way, although the language is sometimes a bit too simple. [...] But the first volume in the Oksa series is entertaining to read, especially for readers aged 10 to 12 - and has already found its fans. "

Expenses (selection)

In French

In German translation

Sound carrier (CD)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c La Pollockmania In: Le Nouvel Observateur of November 27, 2009 (French)
  2. a b Silvia Buss: Girls can do magic too  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Saarbrücker Zeitung online from May 28, 2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de  
  3. a b c d Harry Potter's French sister In: Badische Zeitung of August 18, 2010
  4. ^ "Nous sommes en colère car le monde des livres est vraiment moche" , weblog of the Novelle Observateur (French)
  5. Anne Plichota, Cendrine Wolf In: Der Spiegel, April 11, 2011
  6. Oksa Pollock. The unexpected ( memento from September 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) on the ndr.de page from March 12, 2012
  7. "Oksa Pollock. The unexpected. “ , NDR Info
  8. Solveig Bach: Oksa has to do it , n-tv.de from May 8, 2011