Olaf Heinrich

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Olaf Heinrich (born February 23, 1979 ) is a German politician ( CSU ) and the 1st Mayor of the city of Freyung since 2008 . Since 2003 it belongs to the county council of Lower Bavaria to, on October 2013, he was elected district presidents tags. This made him the youngest district council president in the Free State of Bavaria since 1945. In November 2018, he was re-elected for a second term of five years.


Heinrich graduated from high school in Freyung in 1999 and then did his military service in Regen until 2000. From 2000 to 2006 he studied geography and English for a Masters degree in Passau . Since mid-2006 he has been working for Franz Schaffer at the University of Augsburg , where he received a magna cum laude Dr. rer. nat. received his doctorate.


Heinrich had been politically active in the ÖDP since 1997 . In 2001 he became chairman of the district youth association and a member of the general assembly of the district youth association. In 2002 he was elected both to the city council in Freyung and to the district council in the Freyung-Grafenau district. In 2003 he also moved into the Lower Bavarian District Assembly for the ÖDP , where he was re-elected as a direct candidate in the Regen, Freyung-Grafenau district in 2008 and 2013 - after his party change to the CSU in 2006 - and in 2013 as the CSU top candidate with 70,694 votes could achieve the best result of all candidates.

After Heinrich had already been acted as a possible successor to Manfred Hölzlein, who is no longer running for election, in the office of District Assembly President in December 2012 , he was actually elected as the new District Assembly President on October 11, 2013 with 16 out of 18 votes and without opposing candidates. Two ballot papers were submitted blank, they were considered invalid.

For the district elections on October 14, 2018, Heinrich ran again as the top candidate of the CSU in Lower Bavaria and as a direct candidate in the Regen / Freyung-Grafenau district. With 40.05% he achieved the second best first vote result of the CSU in Lower Bavaria and won the direct mandate for the third time after 2008 and 2013. With 81,211 votes in all of Lower Bavaria, he was the king of all candidates who had applied for a district assembly mandate.

On December 6, 2018, Heinrich was elected chairman of the CSU parliamentary group in the Bavarian District Assembly. He is the spokesman for the largest party in the General Assembly.


Heinrich has been the first mayor of Freyung since May 2008 and has been the district chairman of the CSU Freyung-Grafenau since 2011. In the course of his candidacy for mayor, there were irritations, because he presented his one-time participation in an excursion on his website as “teaching since mid-2006 at the University of Augsburg”. In fact, following the allegations initiated by his opponent, the incumbent mayor Peter Kaspar, he was able to prove that he had worked for his doctoral supervisor, Franz Schaffer , had participated in several lectures and had helped organize and lead excursions.

On March 16, 2014, Heinrich was elected 1st Mayor of Freyung for the second time. He received 94.55 percent of the valid votes. In the district election, Heinrich, starting from number 3 on the list, achieved the second-best result of all candidates with 49,833 votes. In May 2015 he became the new 1st Chairman of the Niederbayern Forum.

In the local elections on March 15, 2020, Heinrich ran again for the office of Mayor of Freyung. He was re-elected with 94.91 percent of the vote.

On Heinrich's initiative, the Folk Music Academy in Bavaria was established in the historic Langstadl, a building that characterizes the town and is close to the city center. Numerous events, seminars, rehearsal weekends etc. take place there throughout the year, which are attended by musicians, singers and dancers from all over Germany and neighboring countries.

European region

Olaf Heinrich has been chairman of the Lower Bavarian sponsoring association of the Danube-Moldau European region since 2014 and is committed to cross-border regional development in Bavaria / the Czech Republic / Austria. During the presidency of Lower Bavaria in 2017, the preparation of the establishment of a European grouping for territorial cooperation (EGTC) was the focus of his work.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. [1] accessed on December 1, 2018
  2. Election of the district assembly president according to the weekly newspaper of October 11, 2013 , accessed on November 13, 2016
  3. Wochenblatt: CSU starts the election campaign with great unity , March 5, 2018.
  4. ↑ https://www. Bezirk-niederbayern.de/fileadmin/user_upload/ Bezirk / Dateien / Bezirkstag / Bezirkswahl_2018_Schnellmektiven / Erresult_der_auf_die_einzelnen_Bewerber_entfallenden_Stimmen_der_zweit_Schnellmeldung.pdf , accessed on October 25, 2018.
  5. ^ Augsburger Allgemeine: Mayor candidate poses as a university lecturer . In: Augsburger Allgemeine . ( augsburger-allgemeine.de [accessed on January 16, 2018]).
  6. Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Wahl-Posse in Niederbayern , February 26, 2008.
  7. ↑ Mayoral election March 16, 2014 , accessed on November 13, 2016
  8. ^ Passauer Neue Presse from May 19, 2015
  9. https://wahlen.freyung-grafenau.de/wahlen/KW2020/15032020/09272118/html5/Buergermeisterwahl_Bayern_60_Gemeinde_Stadt_Freyung.html
  10. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/grosses-interesse-neue-saison-der-volksmusikakademie-freyung,ReCXPUo
  11. ^ European region Danube-Moldau: European region Danube-Moldau growing closer together , May 3, 2017.