Sebastian Schenk

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Sebastian Schenk (* 1929 ; † 1998 ) was a CSU politician . From 1978 to 1998 he was President of the District Assembly of Lower Bavaria .


In Mainburg resident Sebastian Schenk was the already since 1962 Member District tags of Lower Bavaria . In the 1972 district council election in the Kelheim district, which was enlarged as part of the Bavarian district reform, he was defeated by Rudolf Faltermeier (SPD). In 1978 he was elected President of the District Assembly and held this office until his death in 1998. As such, Schenk was significantly involved in the development of the Lower Bavarian Spa Triangle , the University of Passau , the Massing open-air museum and the expansion and modernization of the Mainkofen District Hospital .


Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Hölzl: Speech at the ceremony for the district anniversary on Friday, December 10, 2004 on www.