Ole Lando

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Ole Lando (born September 2, 1922 in Copenhagen ; died April 5, 2019 ) was a Danish legal scholar .


Lando comes from a liberal family. His father Zelman Lando was the son of a wealthy Jewish industrialist from Warsaw. Lando's father was surprised by the outbreak of war as a student in Frankfurt am Main and interned in 1914 as a Russian citizen. After fleeing to Sweden, his father settled in Denmark in 1915 and in 1925 became an economics lecturer at the Copenhagen Business School .

Ole Lando was born in 1922. In 1940 he began studying law at the University of Copenhagen . He heard, among others, Alf Ross . During the war he was a sympathizer of the communists , seeing them "as the true friends of the poor". On October 9, 1943, he and his father fled to Sweden during the night-and-fog operation of the Danish resistance to rescue the Danish Jews . In Sweden he continued his studies with the usual Manuduktøren . In 1944 he became a soldier in the Danish Brigade (Den Danske Brigade / Danforce). Two years after his release, he graduated in 1947 and joined the Danish Ministry of Justice. In 1951 he made a study trip to Paris and Oxford, where he met Martin Wolff .

In 1952 he began teaching at the Copenhagen Business School as a lecturer in private international law . 1954/55 he was district judge in Frederikssund . In 1955 he was a US government scholar at the University of Michigan . There he met Ulrich Drobnig , with whom he has had a close friendship ever since. Henri Batiffol and Ernst Rabel were role models in his studies of private international law . The American lawyers David F. Cavers and Brainerd Currie and their school of thought of “governmental interest analysis” influenced him.

After receiving his doctorate in 1963, he finally moved from the Ministry of Justice to the Copenhagen School of Commerce and has been a professor there ever since. In 1973 he became chairman of the Danish Association for European Law and remained so until 1995. He commented on the EC treaties with Ole Due . He worked for UNCTAD in the 1970s . Ole Lando worked in and for the International Chamber of Commerce .

Became internationally known through an initiative: In 1976, for example, he started the Commission on European Contract Law (CECL), which is often called the Lando Commission after him . With the help of Claus Ehlermann , Director General of the Legal Service of the Commission , whom he knew from his time in Ann Arbor , it was possible to raise EU funds for this working group, and so in 1982 the CECL was able to tackle the PECL . In 1979 he became a member of the UNIDROIT Principles for International Trade Contracts Working Group , which "dealt with almost the same subject as the PECL". In his view, " CISG , PECL and UNIDROIT justify an emerging ius commune for a future world law of contract". In 1999 he became a member of the successor organization to the CECL, the Study Group on a European Civil Code .



Fonts (selection)

  • Contract statute: Hovedpunkter af den internationale kontraktrets almindelige del. Juristforbundet, Copenhagen 1962 (dissertation, University of Copenhagen, 1962); 3rd edition: Contract statute: Danske og Fremdmede lovvalgsregel om kontrakter (= Udenrigshandelsret. 2). Juristforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 1981, ISBN 87-574-2432-2 .
  • Udenrigshandelen's contractors: Skandinavisk, vesteuropæisk and amerikansk ret om kontraktforhold i almindelighed and om køb, agency og eneforhandling (= Udenrigshandelsret. 1). Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1969; 4th edition: Udenrigshandelens kontrakter: Internationalt gældende including vesteuropæisk and amerikansk ret and kontraktforhold i almindelighed and om løsørekøb, agency and eneforhandling (= Udenrigshandelsret. 1). Jurist-og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 1991, ISBN 87-574-2434-9 .
  • Contracts (= International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law . Vol. 3, Chap. 24). Mohr, Tuebingen 1976.
  • The Conflict of Laws of Contracts: General Principles. In: Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de Droit International. Vol. 189 (1984), pp. 225-447, doi: 10.1163 / ej.9780792300571.225-447 .
  • Kort indføring i comparative ret. Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, Copenhagen 1986, ISBN 87-574-4710-1 .
  • (Ed. with Hugh Beale) Principles of European Contract Law. Part 1 and 2. The Hague 1999.
  • Some Features of the Law of Contract in the Thirds Millennium. In: Scandinavian Studies in Law. Vol. 40 (2000), pp. 343-418.
  • My life as a lawyer. In: Journal for European Private Law . 2002, No. 3, p. 508 ff.
  • (Ed. with Eric Clive, André Prüm, Reinhard Zimmermann ) Principles of European Contract Law. Part 3. The Hague 2003.


  • Oliver Remien: Ole Lando (1922 - 2019) - Obituary and short report from the first Ole Lando Memorial Symposium in Copenhagen . In: JuristenZeitung . tape 75 , no. 2 , 2020, ISSN  0022-6882 , p. 82 , doi : 10.1628 / jz-2020-0008 ( mohrsiebeck.com [accessed January 25, 2020]).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory of the academy. (Word-Doc, 632 kB) (No longer available online.) Formerly in the original ; Retrieved June 3, 2011 .  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.iuscomparatum.org  
  2. ↑ Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Law ( Memento of the original from December 31, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Website of the University of Würzburg, October 31, 2012, accessed on November 2, 2012. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.jura.uni-wuerzburg.de