Orane Demazis

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Tomb of Orane Demazis

Orane Demazis , actually Henriette Marie-Louise Burgart (born September 4, 1894 in Oran , † December 25, 1991 in Boulogne-Billancourt or Paris ) was a French actress.

She came from an originally Alsatian family who had emigrated to Algeria after 1870 .

Your stage name is derived from the two Algerian place names Oran and Mazis .

From 1919 onwards she was trained by Denis d'Inès at the Conservatoire d'art dramatique in Paris and in 1922 she joined the troupe of the Théâtre de l'Atelier under Charles Dullin . In the following years she had roles in plays by Alfred de Musset , Prosper Mérimée , Luigi Pirandello , Alexandre Arnoux and Marcel Achard . After meeting Marcel Pagnol in 1923, she switched from the stage to film. In 1926 he engaged her for his play Phaéton and created the role of Fanny in the Marseilles trilogy ( Marius , Fanny and César ) for her. In 1933 she gave birth to a son, Jean-Pierre Burgart.


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