Orientalis Ecclesiae

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Cyril of Alexandria

The encyclical Orientalis Ecclesiae of Pope Pius XII. (April 9, 1944) is dedicated to the 1500th anniversary of the death of St. Cyril Patriarch of Alexandria . Pius XII. writes in great detail about the life and work of Saint Cyril, who was born on July 28, 1882 by Pope Leo XIII. was appointed a Doctor of the Church and is one of the Church Fathers in the Orthodox Church . The Pope also refers to that of his predecessor Pius XI. wrote the encyclical Lux veritatis (1931) and underlines the leadership qualities of Saint Cyril, here he goes back to the Council of Ephesus and praises Cyril as a true fighter for the faith. The great work of Cyril was to take action at the Council of Ephesus against the heretic Nestorius and to ban him from his offices. This encyclical is at the same time the invitation to pray for the return of the Eastern Churches and to work for the unification of the churches .

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