Ecclesiae fastos

With the encyclical Ecclesiae fastos , dated June 5, 1954, Pope Pius XII. , on the 1200th anniversary of the death of St. Boniface , his life and work. With this circular he addresses the episcopates of Great Britain , Germany, Austria , France , Belgium and Holland . It is particularly important to the Pope to hold special celebrations and services in these countries, which are taking the 1200th anniversary of his death as an opportunity . The importance of this saint lies in seeing Boniface not only as the "apostle of the Germans", but also in meeting Boniface as a European apostle and Christian ambassador.
According to Pius XII, the historical significance of Boniface lies in his actions as a sustainable innovator and organizer of the Frankish Church. His close contact with the popes and secular princes would have ensured success in missions in European countries and nations step by step .