Ortolph Fomann the Younger

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Ortolph Fomann the Younger

Ortolph Fomann the Younger also: Ortholphus Fomannus (born June 3, 1598 in Jena ; † June 6, 1640 there ) was a German historian and legal scholar.


Ortholph was the son of Ortholph Fomann the Elder and his second wife Barbara Mylius (born July 1, 1578 in Augsburg, † May 15, 1637 in Jena). After initial training in Jena, he attended the Princely Henneberg High School in Schleusingen . He then began studying law at the University of Jena , where his father and Oswald Hillinger in particular became his formative teachers. He continued these studies at the University of Giessen with Helfrich Ulrich Hunnius and at the University of Königsberg with Christian Radewald (1593-1620). Returning to Jena, he received his doctorate in 1620 under Valentin Riemer (1582–1635) with the work de Mora to the doctor of law.

In 1625 he became a professor of history and poetry in Jena. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Jena Salana and was rector of the Alma Mater in the summer semester of 1629 . On May 6, 1633 he was accepted as an extraordinary assessor at the court in Jena and in July 1635 he became a full professor and assessor at the court and Schöppenstuhl. In this activity, however, he was no longer granted too much effectiveness, as he died at the age of 42.


Fomann was married twice. His first marriage was on September 11, 1620 with Margaretha Horn (* around 1594 in Freiberg; † June 5, 1622 in Jena), the widow of the Professor of Law in Jena Oswald Hilliger (1583-1619), the daughter of the Jena councilor Nicolaus Horn and his wife Barbara Nitzsche. His second marriage was on October 20, 1623 with Dorothea Susanna Arumaeus, the daughter of the Jena professor Dominicus Arumaeus . There are children from this marriage. We know of these:

  • Dorothea Susanne Fomann (born January 14, 1607 in Jena; † August 12, 1640 ibid.)
  • Ortholph Fomann
  • Anna Barbara Fomann
  • Marie Fomann
  • Justine Dominik Fomann
  • Catherine Fomann
  • Jacob Fomann

Works (selection)

  • Diss. De acquirenda et retinenda possessione etc.
  • Conclusiones de usucapionibus et praescriptionibus etc.


  • Fomannus (Ortholphus). In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 9, Leipzig 1735, column 1438.
  • Johann Caspar Zeumer, Christoph Weissenborn: Vitae Professorum Theologiae, Jurisprudentiae, Medicinae et Philosophiae qui in illustri Academia Jenensi, ab ipsius fundatione ad nostra usque tempora vixerunt et adhuc vivunt una cum scriptis a quolibet editis quatuor classibus. Johann Felici Bieleck, Jena, 1711, p. 106 (lawyers)
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch , Leipzig, 1750, Vol. 2, Sp. 660