Helfrich Ulrich Hunnius

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Helfric Vlricus Hunnius

Helfrich Ulrich Hunnius (born March 17 or 27, 1583 in Marburg ; † March 27, 1636 in Cologne ) was a German legal scholar.


Born as the son of Aegidius Hunnius the Elder and his wife Eleonore Felder, he moved with his parents to Wittenberg in 1592 , where he was prepared for university operations from an early age and studied law under Valentin Wilhelm Forster . He soon took over private lectures, in 1608 went to the newly founded University of Giessen , where he received his doctorate in law on September 4, 1609 .

At his mother's request, he returned to Wittenberg, held private lectures again and, at the request of the Landgrave of Hesse, was appointed to Giessen in 1613 as Professor of Law and Counsel. In 1625 he went to the University of Marburg as a professor of law , where he was supposed to help turn the academy into a Lutheran educational establishment and was soon appointed vice chancellor there.

On May 14, 1630 he resigned his office, left the city and went into the service of the Bishop of Trier Lothar von Metternich . He lived for a few years in Philippsburg , where he professed his Catholic faith, then became the office director of the Speyer diocese , fled in 1632 from the military incursions of the Thirty Years' War to Cologne, where he served as a council for Catholic princes and at the same time lectured on canon law at the university Cologne held.

Selection of works

Encyclopedia iuris universi , 1675


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