Oskar Stoffel

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Oskar Stoffel (born July 4, 1932 in Visperterminen , † September 20, 1997 in Lucerne ) was a Swiss Catholic clergyman and canon lawyer.


The son of Gustav Stoffels, consumer administrator, and Florentina Stoffels, b. Zimmermann, attended primary school in Visperterminen and the Immensee high school . Albert, Lukas and Anna's brother joined the Bethlehem Mission Society in 1953 and studied philosophy and theology at the Schöneck Missionary Seminar ( Emmetten parish ). He was ordained a deacon on September 25, 1958 in Schöneck. Christian Caminada ordained him as a priest on March 22, 1959 in Immensee . His first Mass he celebrated in June 1959 in his birthplace. From 1959 to 1965 he studied canon law (with interruptions due to illness) at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana , while he lived in the German-speaking priestly college of Santa Maria dell'Anima . With Peter Huizing he was promoted to Dr. iur. can. PhD . After a half-year pastoral care in Vienna , he worked from 1966 to 1968 in Zurich as a diocesan judge and in marriage counseling. From 1968 he taught in the Schöneck Missionary Seminar. From 1969 to 1993 (early retirement for health reasons) he taught as professor for canon law at the Lucerne Theological Faculty .

His main research interests were constitutional law, religious orders, sacraments, Swiss state church law and mission law.

Works (selection)

  • The Convention of November 7th, 1879 between the Bishop of Sitten and the Valais. Legal historical study on the restitution of secularized church property . Naters-Brig 1967, OCLC 611447850 (also dissertation, Gregoriana 1965).
  • The Catholic Mission Societies. Historical development and conciliar renewal from a canonical perspective (= Neue Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft. Supplementa . Volume 33). Neue Zeitschrift für Missionwissenschaft , Immensee 1984, ISBN 3-85824-062-1 .


  • Obituary . In: Swiss Church Newspaper . 165 (1997), p. 628, ISSN  1420-5041 .
  • Obituary . In: Archives for Catholic Church Law . 166 (1997), p. 646, ISSN  0003-9160 .
  • Peter Stockmann:  Stoffel, Oskar. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 32, Bautz, Nordhausen 2011, ISBN 978-3-88309-615-5 , Sp. 1347-1351.
  • Fritz Dommann: Honor for Oskar Stoffel . In: Folia officiosa pro venerabili clero Dioecesis Churiensis 1997, pp. 150-151, OCLC 1040135515 .
  • Edwin Gwerder: Obituary Oskar Stoffel, SMB . In: Folia officiosa pro venerabili clero Dioecesis Churiensis 1997, pp. 147-150, OCLC 1040135515 .
  • Adrian Loretan : Prof. Dr. Oskar Stoffel SMB . In: Swiss Church Newspaper . 166 (1998), pp. 28-29, ISSN  1420-5041 .
  • Markus Walser: Stoffel, Oskar . In: Stephan Haering and Heribert Schmitz (ed.): Lexicon of Canon Law (= Lexicon for theology and church compact ). Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2004, Sp. 1162, ISBN 3-451-28522-3 .
  • Adrian Loretan (ed.): Oskar Stoffel: Contributions to mission law. As a reminder (= Munster Commentary on Codex iuris canonici . Supplement 23). Ludgerus-Verlag, Essen 1999, ISBN 3-87497-229-1 .