Oskar von Riesenthal

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Julius Adolf Oskar Riesenthal (* 18th September 1830 in Breslau , † 22. January 1898 in Charlottenburg ) was a German forester , hunting - writer and ornithologist . He has written several specialist books on hunting, as well as some works of fiction.


Oskar von Riesenthal's father, a road construction inspector, died early. As a result, Oskar moved with his mother to Oels in Lower Silesia and attended high school there . In 1848 he became a forestry apprentice in the Poppelau forestry department and then studied from spring 1851 to autumn 1852 at the forest academy in Neustadt-Eberswalde . From 1868 to 1871 he was a district forester in Bechsteinwalde in the Tucheler Heide . He then had himself transferred to Altenkirchen in the Westerwald , but took longer leave to complete his work The Birds of Prey in Germany and neighboring Central Europe , which had several editions.

Riesenthal always repeated in his writings and lectures the warning “Protect and cherish the game! Always protect and look after our birds! ” Riesenthal's hunting dictionary was a standard work in the field of hunting for a long time.

At the instigation of the Oberlandforstmeister Otto von Hagen , von Riesenthal was finally promoted to the royal Prussian chief forester and transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests in Berlin. He moved to Berlin-Charlottenburg, where he lived until his death in 1898.

On the label of the Jägermeister bottles, the first stanza of his three-stanza poem Waidmannsheil (1880) is printed, wrongly attributed to an "Otto von Riesenthal".

This is the hunter's shield of honor
that he protects and cherishes his game,
hunts like a hunter , as it should be,
honors the creator in the creature.

The shell of war ruled by hatred,
The love to the game leads the stub:
So think about your daily bread
whether your game does not suffer hardship?

Especially protect it from humans and animals!
Shorten his agony!
Be rough on the outside, but mild on the inside,
then your shield of honor will stay blank!


  • Pictures from the Tuchler Haide. Gallows humoristic chants for the edification of all green coats and their friends , 1871
  • The birds of prey in Germany and neighboring Central Europe , 1876–1879
  • The hunt. Handbook of natural history, hunting and keeping of all animals that can be hunted in Central Europe , 1880
  • Jagdlexikon , 1882 (2nd edition 1916 and T. Riesenthals Jagdlexikon , reprint 1999)
  • Chief Forester's Boots, The Mad Boar, and Other Funny Stories and Poems , 1903

In addition, von Riesenthal gave under the title Die Kleine Jagd. For hunters and hunting enthusiasts (FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1884) also the fifth edition of this work founded by Friedrich Ernst Jester , completely revised by him .


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