District forester

A forester is the Hege the forest entrusted person in charge of a particular forest district within a forest district is responsible. The forest rangers are employed by forest companies and forest offices .
The district forester in Germany manages a forest district within a forest office district. He takes on specialist and managerial tasks and a. in the areas of forest development, forest management and organization. The district forester advises the various forest owners (towns, municipalities, churches and private individuals) on issues such as tree planting and felling . As district manager, he takes care of the forest management of the areas, mainly ensuring that gaps in the tree population are reforested and decrepit and sick trees are felled. He should document his work on afforestation, tree felling and marketing. The district forester records the data on felled trees (tree species, trunk length, amount of wood) and forwards this information to the timber logistics department, which in turn takes care of sales. The entry as a district forester on an employee basis can take place after the completion of the career examination. Before doing this, you have to complete a bachelor's degree in forest sciences and then complete the one-year career training for senior forest service at the state forest enterprise or the forest office.
The office of a district forester used to be a forester's house .
In 1722, according to a Ukaz of Peter the Great, the forest protection was established and the positions of today's Russian forest rangers ( Russian лесничий ) were introduced. In the Forest Code of 1923, the position of the modern district forester, the head of the forestry ( лесничество ) was established. In the new forest code of 2007, the concept of the district forester was eliminated. The former forest rangers became state forest inspectors.
The district forester ( Lithuanian girininkas ) in Lithuania manages and runs a forestry (lit. girininkija ). He is subordinate to the forester ( miškų urėdas ) and is appointed and exonerated by him. Each district forester has at least one or two deputies ( girininko pavaduotojas ). The forestry workers and sub-foresters (lit. Eigulys ) are also subordinate to the district forester . These are responsible for sub-forester's offices (lit. Eiguva ) that make up the forester's office. There are 350 forest rangers in Lithuania (as of 2013).
In 1429 the first Lithuanian forester was mentioned in a document by the crusaders . In 1518 there was the district forester of Birštonas and in 1524 the district forester of Darsūniškis . In the middle of the 16th century the Grand Duchy of Lithuania employed 43 forest rangers, 14 of them in what is now the Republic of Lithuania . In 1567 the Knyszyn Forest Ranger Act was passed. It laid down the responsibilities of the forest rangers. The law obliged the district forester after his arrival in the forestry, together with subordinate Osotschniken, to circumnavigate the forest boundaries, to inspect the forest areas, to collect knowledge about them, in order to then control them and to ensure that no damage to animals, caves and trees be performed.
In 1997, 474 forest rangers were employed in Lithuania.
Individual evidence
- ↑ District forester: overview of activities ( Arbeitsagentur .de)
- ↑ District forester. Entrusted with 5,000 hectares of forest ( memento of the original dated February 24, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Manuela Arens is the new forester in the RVR forest district Stimberg
- ↑ Лесничий // Энциклопедия лесного хозяйства. - М .: ВНИИЛМ, 2006. - Т. 1. - С. 358. - ISBN 5-94737-022-0 .
- ↑ Statistics 2013 ( Memento of the original from February 21, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ Ar tikslinga mažinti girininkijų skaičių?
- ^ History of Sudauen
- ^ History ( Grand Duchy of Lithuania , lecturer Romualdas Mankus, Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Kaunas)
- ^ History
- ↑ Sunaikintos girininkijos turi būti atkurtos (interview with Kęstutis Trečiokas )