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Skull of Platycephalichthys

Skull of Platycephalichthys

Temporal occurrence
Middle Devon to Lower Perm
385 to 275 million years
Over trunk : Neumünder (Deuterostomia)
Trunk : Chordates (chordata)
Sub-stem : Vertebrates (vertebrata)
Superclass : Jaw mouths (Gnathostomata)
Class : Meat finisher (Sarcopterygii)
Order : Osteolepiformes
Scientific name
Berg , 1937

The osteolepiformes are an extinct group of bony fish from the class of the meat fin fish (Sarcopterygii). They lived from the Middle Devon to the Middle Permian and are of particular importance as they are close to the origin of the land vertebrates (Tetrapoda). One of them is Eusthenopteron , which is one of the best-studied fossil fish.

According to a recent cladistic analysis, the osteolepiformes do not form a natural group (clade, monophylum), as some families are more closely related to the tetrapods than others. The osteolepiformes therefore only represent a stage of development (English: grade ) between the still relatively fish-like meat fins and the already very tetrapod-like meat fins.


Her body, covered by thick, rhombic scales ( cosmoid scales ), was slim, the pectoral fins were relatively low on the trunk. The pectoral and ventral fins were short and rounded. The caudal fin can have been homo- or heterocercus (equilobed or uneven-lobed).

The skull as well as the dentition resemble those of the basal land vertebrates ( Acanthostega , Ichthyostega ). The osteolepiformes had developed an external nostril and a choane . The scapulocoracoid, part of the shoulder girdle, had a pit in which the (proximal) spherical end of the “ humerus ” of the pectoral fins pointing towards the trunk was very flexible (“tetrapod joint”).


Traditionally, the osteolepiformes comprise the following families and genera:

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brian Swartz: A Marine Stem-Tetrapod from the Devonian of Western North America. PLoS ONE 7, 2012, doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0033683


Web links

Commons : Osteolepiformes  - collection of images, videos and audio files