Otto Schwend

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Otto Schwend (born March 31, 1841 in Eschach ; † 1906 ) was a German administrative officer.


Otto Schwend, son of a Protestant pastor, attended the Latin school in Schwäbisch Hall and the grammar school in Heilbronn . From 1859 to 1862 he studied criminal science at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen . In 1860 he became a member of the Corps Franconia Tübingen . In 1862 he passed the 1st and in 1864 the 2nd higher service examination at the Department of the Interior. In 1864 he became actuarial administrator at the Oberamt Ulm and in 1865 at the Oberamt Hall , in 1866 assistant at the Oberamt Mergentheim , in the same year actuarial administrator at the Oberamt Cannstatt and in 1870 an actuary at the Oberamt Tettnang. From 1870 to 1873 he was a police commissioner at the Stuttgart City Police Department. In 1873 he became an actuary and in 1874 a clerk at the Freudenstadt Office . In the same year he moved to the Oberamt Riedlingen and in 1876 to the Oberamt Öhringen . From 1876 to 1877 he worked as a collegiate assistant in the governments of the Black Forest and Jagst districts and at times as chief administrator of the upper offices in Weinsberg , Heidenheim and Urch . In 1878 he became a government assessor in the government of the Jagstkreis in Ellwangen . In 1882 he became the chief official of the Oberamts Künzelsau appointed. In 1889 he changed to the Oberamt Oberndorf . In 1901 he was given the title of councilor. In 1905 he was retired.



  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Published by the working group of the district archives at the Baden-Württemberg district assembly. Theiss, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-8062-1213-9 , pp. 522 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 194 , 217