Otto Wedig from Bonin

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Otto Wedig von Bonin (born July 26, 1724 in Plauenthin , † June 28, 1796 in Karwitz ) was a Prussian district administrator and state director in Neumark . From 1765 to 1784 he was in charge of the Dramburg district .

He came from the noble Bonin family . His father Tessen Ulrich von Bonin was a Prussian lieutenant colonel and in 1719 had acquired the Plauenthin estate in the Fürstenthum district .

Otto Wedig von Bonin served in the Prussian army , where he was last lieutenant in the Alt Lehwaldt infantry regiment . In 1749 he took his leave. In 1750 he sold the Plauenthin estate, which his father had inherited, and in the same year bought the Wutzig estate in the Dramburg district . He later became a councilor in Schwedt / Oder .

After the death of the district administrator George Friedrich von Rohwedel , he was elected as the new district administrator of the Dramburg district in 1765 and appointed by the king. In addition, from 1781 he was director of the fire society. He sold the Wutzig estate in 1782 to his future son-in-law George Friedrich Felix von Bonin , who married his daughter Caroline Charlotte in 1783.

In January 1784 Otto Wedig von Bonin succeeded Hans Friedrich von Winning as regional director of Neumark . In October 1784 he handed over his office as district administrator to his son-in-law George Friedrich Felix von Bonin . He held the office of regional director until his death; in this office he was followed by George Samuel Wilhelm von Gersdorff .

In 1790 he acquired the Janikow and Golz estates . He died in 1796 when he was visiting one of his daughters on their Karwitz estate .


  • Udo von Bonin (ed.): History of the rear Pomeranian family von Bonin up to the year 1863 . Berlin 1864, p. 152 f. ( Online ).
  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 108 ( limited preview in Google Book search).


  1. Ludwig Wilhelm Brüggemann : Detailed description of the current state of the Royal Prussian Duchy of Western and Western Pomerania . Part II, Volume 2. Stettin 1784, p. 586 ( online ).