Otto von Plessen

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Otto von Plessen

Otto Baron von Plessen (born November 9, 1816 in Gut Sierhagen , † April 3, 1897 in Baden-Baden ) was a Danish diplomat.


Otto von Plessen came from the originally noble Mecklenburg-Holstein noble family von Plessen ; he was the son of the Royal Danish Chamberlain and Privy Conference Councilor Mogens (Magnus) Joachim Lehngraf von Scheel-Plessen and Margaretha Wilhelmina born. from Hedemann. His brothers were the Danish diplomat Wulff Scheel-Plessen and the Danish politician Carl von Scheel-Plessen as well as the Prussian Secret Councilor Hugo von Plessen . In 1853 Otto von Plessen married Princess Varvara Sergiewna, b. Princess Gagarin; The marriage resulted in their son Joseph von Plessen, who became Danish chamberlain.


Von Plessen attended the Katharineum in Lübeck until Michaelis in 1836 . He then studied at the universities of Bonn and Kiel jurisprudence . In 1838 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Bonn . After graduating, he entered the diplomatic service of the Kingdom of Denmark . In 1841 he went to the Danish embassy in Saint Petersburg. In 1843 he became the Danish 1846 Secretary of Legation, Chargé appointed and 1849 to the Danish envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Russian court. He was involved in the negotiation of the special peace of July 2, 1850 between the German Confederation and Denmark in the Schleswig-Holstein War (1848-1851) . In the spring of 1866, in the run-up to the German War , he unsuccessfully led a secret diplomatic mission to Otto von Bismarck to avoid the war. At the end of 1866 he left the Danish service and lived in Baden-Baden until his death.

Otto von Plessen was a co-owner of the substitutions for the Danish parent houses Førslev and Gunderslevholm, which were inherited by his son Joseph as Fideikommisssubstitutions .



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Max Naumann: Otto Baron von Plessen . In: The Plessen - family line on the XIII. to XX. Century . Edited by Dr. Helmold von Plessen on behalf of the family association. 2nd revised and expanded edition. CA Starke, Limburg an der Lahn 1971, pp. 140–141.
  2. ^ Hermann Genzken: The Abitur graduates of the Katharineum in Lübeck (grammar school and secondary school) from Easter 1807 to 1907. Borchers, Lübeck 1907. (Supplement to the school program 1907), No. 334
  3. ^ Kösener corps lists 1910, 19 , 146
  4. ^ Max Naumann: Otto Baron von Plessen . In: The Plessen - family line on the XIII. to XX. Century . Edited by Dr. Helmold von Plessen on behalf of the family association. 2nd revised and expanded edition. CA Starke, Limburg an der Lahn 1971, p. 141.