Ottomar Cludius

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Masuria, front right Cludius (1907)

Ottomar Cludius (born May 9, 1850 in Schirwindt , Pillkallen district , † July 26, 1910 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German high school teacher in Königsberg.


As a doctor's son, Cludius attended the Kgl. Lyck High School . After graduating from high school, he studied history and geography at the Albertus University in Königsberg , the University of Leipzig and the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . After the state examination, he completed the probationary year at the Friedrichsschule Gumbinnen and the Burgschule (Königsberg) . Here he stayed for 31 years. After four years as an assistant teacher, he was permanently employed in 1882 and in the course of time promoted to senior teacher and high school professor.

Bellevue at the Königsberger Schlossteich

Since the summer semester of 1871 he was a member of the Corps Masovia , from 1883 until his death in 1910 he was a member of the newly created trust commission and for over a decade he was the honorable treasurer of the old man's fund. With Carl Böttcher , he took care of the long-term settlement of the exorbitant CC debts with suppliers and innkeepers, especially with the landlord of the Bellevue . Ludwig Kersandt's widow alone donated 3,000 marks (1871) . Four times he published the (already famous then) lists of members of the Corps.

“Cludius was spirited, quick to speak, could easily get into an excited mood when spending a lot of money on the active corps, and he could express his displeasure at the“ unheard of unreasonable demands ”. Basically, he meant it kindly, just did not see that he was fighting for a lost cause, namely, perhaps one day, to help his treasury achieve a plus instead of an eternal minus. It was probably best if the active man, who had to get money from him, admitted everything, promised improvement for the corps, and then had a glass of grog in reconciliation with the old man. This keep did not last too long, of course, as new bills for the AH fund had been on the way for a long time. "

- Ernst Neumann


  • From the Peace of Aachen to the Westminster Neutrality Treaty. Contributions to the politics of the time (1748–1756) . Koenigsberg 1888.


  • Weisfert, Julius Nicolaus: Biographical-literary lexicon for the capital and residence city of Königsberg and East Prussia by Julius Nicol. Weisfert, 2nd edition. Bon, Koenigsberg 1898.
  • Franz Kößler, teacher lexicon (Univ. Gießen) (PDF; 1.5 MB).
  • Rüdiger Döhler (ed.): Corps Masovia. The 175-year history of Königsberg's oldest and Potsdam's first corporation in the 21st century. Munich 2005, ISBN 3-00-016108-2 , pp. 139, 186 ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 89/684
  2. ^ List of all members of the Corps Masovia 1823 to 2005 . Potsdam 2006.