PR article

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PR articles (PR texts) are part of public relations ( PR for short , see also organizational communication ) and belong to the field of written public relations. Often they are used for external communication between people who do not know each other or are only loosely connected.

Concept and definition

In PR articles a company etc. a specific theme is attempted by the printed word for a person, a specifically favorable public opinion reputation to create or impair or destroy without this occurs all too obvious outward in appearance (partly referred to as advertorial . See counterpart: advertising or agitation , propaganda ).

PR articles are in an interdependent relationship with marketing and journalism , which may want to achieve similar effects.

See also: Editorial contribution and surreptitious advertising .


PR articles can appear in a positive or negative form. With positively formulated PR articles, an attempt is made to build up, expand or redesign a certain image. Negatively worded PR articles try to impair or destroy an existing positive image.

Externally directed PR articles can e.g. For example: press releases , topic articles, answering press inquiries, interviews , press reviews, business reports , brochures , flyers , (hidden) advertisements ( advertorials ), newsletters , general websites, blogs, online magazines, online campaigning.

Internal directed PR articles can e.g. B. be: employee magazines, newsletters in the intranet , intranet support in general, wording, topic websites.

Goals of PR articles

As with public relations in general, it is also the aim of PR articles to build, maintain or shape (redesign) a desired image (see: corporate culture , corporate image ) or to achieve the opposite.

Particularly in critical situations ( crisis communication ), among other things, PR articles (e.g. also through litigation PR ) should create a certain level of credibility on one side; z. B. with the population in general, the citizens , residents of a certain region, voters , donors, etc., but also with investors , customers , suppliers and employees . For example, through internal PR articles in employee newspapers, intranet, customer newspapers, individual mailings, etc. or z. B. in the media . Influencing political decision-makers ( lobbying ) can also be attempted through the targeted placement of PR articles.


The writing of PR articles or PR texts can be carried out by anyone. A special, state-required qualification or approval, examination, etc. is not required for this. Professional writers of PR texts (e.g. in PR departments and PR agencies) can often be found in the field of journalism , marketing or professional lobbying in the private, corporate or state sector or have received or received previous training there Training completed.

The writing of PR articles and PR texts is also taught as part of public relations training at universities and technical colleges (see also PR science ).


PR articles differ from advertorials in that PR articles can be used not only for disguised advertising, but also for other purposes (e.g. image cultivation, crisis management, etc.) and can have both positive and negative effects.

Web links


  • Michael Konken : Press work. Journalistic professional in theory and practice. Gmeiner, Messkirch 2007, ISBN 978-3-89977-110-7 .
  • Claudia Mast : Corporate Communication. A guide (= UTB. Business Administration, Media and Communication Science 2308). 2nd, revised and expanded edition. Lucius and Lucius, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-8252-2308-6 .
  • Claudia Mast: ABC of journalism. A manual, 10th edition, UVK, 2004.
  • Eva-Maria Oehrens, Mario Nantscheff, Wolfgang Orians: Public Relations. Press work, marketing communication and sponsoring for associations (= series of publications by the Federal Association for Cultural Youth Education. Vol. 51). 2nd expanded edition. Federal Association for Cultural Youth Education, Remscheid 2000, ISBN 3-924407-65-7

Individual evidence

  1. Abbreviation for Public Relations Article (Public Relations Text)
  2. Whether public relations, organizational communication, communication management, relationship management etc. can be used synonymously is disputed.
  3. See also: corporate communication .
  4. The term person includes individuals , companies , non-profit organizations , authorities , parties or NGOs .
  5. The German Press Council has drawn up a resolution by stating the following in its statutes in guideline 7.2: “The responsibility of the press towards the public requires that editorial publications are not caused by the private or business interests of third parties or the personal economic interests of journalists Journalists are influenced. Publishers and editors defend themselves against such attempts and pay attention to a clear separation between editorial text and publications for advertising purposes. In the case of publications that concern a self-interest of the publisher, this must be recognizable. "
  6. Instead of the terms advertorial , paid advertisements, co-financed advertisements and the like are sometimes used.