Pacaya Samiria

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Location of the Pacaya-Samiria nature reserve in Peru

The Pacaya-Samiria National Nature Reserve is the largest nature reserve in Peru .

It was established on February 4, 1982, according to Decree N ° 016-82-AG. This nature reserve is located in the Loreto department , in the provinces of Loreto , Requena , Ucayali and Alto Amazonas . Its area extends over 2,080,000 hectares and is the largest in the country by its extent, the second largest in the Amazon and the fourth largest in South America . Its central location in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as its large extent, ensure the protection of various ecosystems of the tropical rainforest and encourage research into flora and fauna. The protected area is traversed by the eponymous rivers Río Samiria , tributary of the Río Marañón , and Río Pacaya , tributary of the Río Ucayali .


From Lima you can get to Iquitos by plane . Short tours, eco tours and individual trips can be booked there. The journey takes place by ship via Nauta and / or Requena .


The vegetation is one of the most diverse in the tropical rainforest. To date, 847 species have been identified, grouped into 118 families; 22 of them are orchids . The palm trees take up a large area of ​​the nature reserve. The most representative of these species is the aguaje ( Mauritia flexuosa ).

The tree species that produce timber and are of major economic importance include: cedar ( Cedrela odorata ), Chinese or chinchona tree ( Chinchona officinalis ), caoba ( Maena capimori ), cocoa ( Theobroma cacao ), Chuchuhuasa ( Noxythece sp.), Hormiga caspi ( Durdia eriophila ) Huairuro ( Ormosia amazonica ) Lupuna ( Chorisia insignis ) and Machín Sapote ( Quararibea bicolor ).


The fauna of the nature reserve is rich and varied. The number of mammalian species is 132, with rodents and monkeys highlighting. The 330 registered bird species, including 23 migratory birds, make up approximately 17% of the entire country. The reptiles and amphibians are estimated to be more than 150 species grouped into 20 families. 220 species of fish were registered.

The fauna of the waters is one of the most important resources of the nature reserve. Here stand out: Arapaima ( Arapaima gigas ), a very large fish; Arraeschturtle ( Podocnemis expansa ), Amazon manatee ( Trichechus inunguis ), Amazon dolphin ( Inia geoffrensis ) and Sotalia ( Sotalia fluviatilis ). Four endangered species are protected in this nature reserve: the black- faced spider monkey ( Ateles chamek ), the white- forehead spider monkey ( Ateles beltzebuth ), the brown woolly monkey ( Lagothrix lagotricha ) and the giant otter ( Pteronura brasiliensis ).

Goals of the nature reserve

The main goals of the Pacaya - Samiria nature reserve are: to protect the representative ecosystems and the diverse genetics of the low jungle of the Peruvian Amazon region; Furthermore, attempts are being made to research fauna and flora, both on land and in water, ensuring that the endangered animals are handled appropriately. Furthermore, one wants to support the socio-economic development of the population of this region through a sensible use of the flora and fauna resources and also promote local tourism .

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