Palaestra Albertina

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Main wing

The Palaestra Albertina was a pioneering for their time multifunctional equipment of the University of Königsberg for Konigsberg students and citizens.


The word palaestra is derived from the Greek pale ( πάλη " wrestling ") and originally referred to an area covered with sand for training in wrestling matches or for the corresponding competitions . The building, completed in 1896, was located at 3rd Fließstraße 3–5. It housed an indoor swimming pool, a gym , several fencing rooms and a bowling alley . A tennis court was set up in the courtyard .

Friedrich Lange , a former Albertina student, had made a considerable fortune as a surgeon in New York . Out of gratitude, he donated the Palaestra Albertina to the university . In 1894 he laid the foundation stone with the inscription :


The building was planned and executed by the Königsberg architect Friedrich Heitmann , the inauguration took place in 1896. After the First World War , a cafeteria was set up here, as in almost all university towns . From 1927 the institute for physical exercise moved in. The building was partially destroyed in World War II. Today it serves as a swimming and sports facility for the Russian armed forces stationed in Kaliningrad .

Student associations


The Palaestra Albertina housed:

  1. Academic Sports Association Curonia in the Association of Academic Sports Associations
  2. Academic Gymnastics Association Ostmark in the Academic Gymnastics Federation
  3. Burschenschaft Arminia (IV) in the general German Burschenbund
  4. Cheruscia fraternity in the ADB
  5. Fraternity Gothia (II) in the German fraternity
  6. Historical-political connection Hohenstaufen in the Dornburg cartel and the German Association of Scientists
  7. Gymnastics club Cimbria in the representative convention
  8. Gymnastics Federation Frisia in the VC
  9. Turnschaft Markomannia in the VC, from 1909 fraternity Arminia in the ADB


  • Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon. City and surroundings. (Licensed edition) Flechsig, Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-441-1 .
  • Richard Armstedt: History of the royal capital and residence city of Königsberg in Prussia. Hobbing & Büchle, Stuttgart 1899. (= German land and life in individual descriptions, Volume 2, city histories)
as reprint: Melchior-Verlag, Wolfenbüttel 2006, ISBN 3-939102-70-9 . (= Historical library .)
  • Fritz Gause : The history of the city of Königsberg in Prussia. 3 volumes. 2nd / 3rd supplemented edition, Böhlau, Cologne et al. 1996, ISBN 3-412-08896-X .
  • Jürgen Manthey : Königsberg. History of a world citizenship republic. Hanser, Munich et al. 2005, ISBN 3-446-20619-1 .
  • Gunnar Strunz: Discover Königsberg. On the way between Memel and Haff. Trescher, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-89794-071-X . (= Trescher series of trips .)

Web links

Commons : Palaestra Albertina  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 54 ° 43 ′ 7.4 "  N , 20 ° 30 ′ 34.6"  E