Panorama Schwaig

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Panorama-Schwaig (officially: St2362) is the name of a road route in Rosenheim, Upper Bavaria .

According to the original plan, the 3.3 km long route should be passable at the end of 2006 and cost 19.841 million euros , which would be borne by the city of Rosenheim and the Free State of Bavaria . Due to various delays, the construction could not be completed until May 2007; the official opening took place on May 14, 2007. The actual construction costs amounted to approx. 18 million euros, making the construction of the route around 2 million euros cheaper than originally planned.

The aim of this connecting route between the Rosenheim Panorama-Kreuzung (popularly named after a former department store at this point) and the Schwaig district is to accelerate traffic between Rosenheim and Kolbermoor and thus relieve the Rosenheim district of Pang , over which the entire Traffic ran. At the same time, traffic that previously ran through the city should also be kept out of Rosenheim.

It was a long way to go before the controversial transport project could finally be tackled. The prevention of the “traffic collapse” in Rosenheim was an issue for decades, but it was not until February 14, 1996 that the city council was able to bring itself to a decision. The very close result of the vote: 21 to 20 for a plan approval procedure . The vote of the mayor at the time , Michael Stöcker , was decisive for the tie . However, the vote had to be repeated on February 29th, as an investigation had found that the previous vote also included city councilors who were directly affected by the route. The renewed vote was clearer: 25 to 17 votes for Panorama-Schwaig.

The way was not clear yet, because many residents complained against the building. Opponents as well as supporters of the route formed in citizens' initiatives and fought hard writing battles in the Rosenheim local newspaper, the Oberbayerischer Volksblatt . The opponents (citizens' initiative "Livable Rosenheim") argued, among other things, that the construction of the street would destroy the precious cold floodplains and that the noise would be unacceptable for the residents. The supporters (including the "Pro Panorama-Schwaig" initiative, the CSU and many representatives from the regional economy), headed by the then CSU parliamentary group chairman in the city council and transport policy spokesman for the parliamentary group Adolf Dinglreiter , opposed the fact that the Residents would have known about the planning of the street for a long time and thus acquired cheap building land. Dinglreiter also calculated that the traffic jam in Rosenheim would be halved and the exhaust gases would be reduced by 25% if Panorama-Schwaig were built and supplemented by the Westtangente Rosenheim and the Nordspange .

Only a referendum brought a final decision: the voters voted with a large majority in favor of a building.