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Center of the Pantringshof settlement on Eberhard-Wildermuth-Straße

The settlement Pantringshof located in Herne district Horsthausen, bordering the cities of Recklinghausen (district of King Ludwig) and Castrop-Rauxel (district Pöppinghausen ). The Emscher flows in the north and the Rhine-Herne Canal with the Herne-Ost lock is in the south . In the 1950s, the Friedrich der Große colliery built a miners' settlement on the site of the eponymous former farm of the farmer Pantring . Before that, the district consisted of only a few houses belonging to the employees of the lock and the state shipyard.


In the 1970s, under the name of Siedlung Eichenforst, a new building area between the Rhine-Herne Canal and Pantringshof was developed for social housing.

The Protestant Paul Gerhardt Church, which was inaugurated on December 22nd, 1957 and belongs to the Bladenhorst-Zion community, was closed at the end of 2007 and decommissioned. The last service took place on December 30, 2007. In the tower of the Paul-Gerhard-Church there were 3 bells, cast in 1957 by the Bochum Association. Since the divorced church could not be used for any other purpose, the building and the adjacent property were sold to an investor who demolished the former church in July 2010. The construction work on this property for the settlement of a Lidl store was completed on the opening date in November 2010. Two of the original three bells from the demolished church were displayed in a support frame on the property opposite, on the Emsring, in 2011. The whereabouts of the third and largest bell is not known.

Primary school buildings

Elementary school Pantrings Hof

The primary school Pantrings Hof is a municipal primary school in the extreme northeast of the city ​​of Herne . The school has six teachers and about 100 students.

The school grounds include the school building, which has been in existence since 1961, a playground, a gym, a teaching pool and a nature area - built by the children - with a pond, dry stone wall, herb spiral and swamp area. The Erich-Kästner-Grundschule, a special school for the speech-impaired, is located in the same school complex.

Natural area

The planning and construction of the nature reserve began in the 1994/1995 school year. For this purpose, the approximately 1500 m² gymnastics meadow should be redesigned. First of all, intensive planning measures with computers and other media were carried out. First, the dry stone wall was built on a gravel foundation. Next, a pit was dug for the pond, laid with pond liner and filled with water. Later a kitchen garden with a herb spiral was built and the possibility for composting was established. In June 1999 the construction of a swamp began. In June 2000 the school was named an environmental school in Europe . In 2002 the school received the award again.

The “ Environmental School in Europe ” project was replaced in 2003 by the Agenda 21 campaign in schools. In this context, too, the Pantrings Hof elementary school received an award from the Ministry of Education from 2003 to 2005 and 2006 to 2008.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Environment school in Europe 2000. In: School website. Elementary school Pantrings Hof, accessed on June 21, 2008 .
  2. ^ Environment School in Europe 2002. In: School website. Elementary school Pantrings Hof, accessed on June 21, 2008 .
  3. ^ Environment School in Europe 2002. In: School website. Elementary School Pantrings Hof, accessed on November 25, 2010 .

Web links

Coordinates: 51 ° 34 ′ 7.8 ″  N , 7 ° 14 ′ 13.9 ″  E