Poplar Schüppling

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Poplar Schüppling
2012-11-17 Hemipholiota populnea (Pers.) Bon 325789.jpg

Poplar Schüppling ( Hemipholiota populnea )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Agaricomycetidae
Order : Mushroom-like (Agaricales)
Family : Trussling relatives (Strophariaceae)
Genre : Pholiota
Type : Poplar Schüppling
Scientific name
Hemipholiota populnea
( Pers. ) Kuyper & Tjall.-Beuk. (1986)

The Poplar Schüppling ( Pholiota populnea , Hemipholiota populnea , syn. Pholiota destruens ) is a fungal art from the family of Träuschlingsverwandten (Strophariaceae).


The hat is 5 to 15 centimeters in diameter and is pale brownish. Its scales are large, light, fibrous, woolly, and close-fitting; they tan with age. The surface is more or less dry. The lamellae are initially quite pale, but when ripe they turn rust-brown. They are a little distant, bulging and overgrown. The lamellar cutting edge is sanded and lighter than the surface. The stem is club-like, full-fleshed and has a fibrous ring zone. Its color matches that of the hat. The meat is whitish-wood colored, it is only browning at the base of the handle; its smell is inconspicuous. The taste is clearly bitter.

The spore powder is brown. The spores are 7.5–9.5 × 5–6 micrometers in size and elliptical-ovoid. Your germ pore is not clearly visible. The cheilocystids are club-headed, chrysocystids are absent.


The poplar schüppling is a weak parasite or saprobiontic inhabitant in poplars . It mostly inhabits dead wood or wood that is in the initial or early optimal phase of decomposition, e.g. B. felled trees or stems and storage wood. The species occurs in various alluvial forests, aspen and poplar forests, parks or cemeteries, less often on interspersed poplars in other forest types. In Central Europe, black poplar and hybrid poplar , as well as aspen , and occasionally apple trees or willow species are particularly suitable as substrates . The fruiting bodies appear in Central Europe from September to November.


The poplar chipping is widespread in the entire Holarctic , in Europe it occurs from southern Europe to Scandinavia and Finland. In Germany the species is found very scattered, in the large river valleys it can be locally frequent.


The poplar flake is inedible, as an economically important wood pest, it appears less often.



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Index Fungorum
  2. ^ Mycobank
  3. Henning Knudsen, Jan Vesterholt: Funga Nordica. Agaricoid, boletoid and cyphelloid genera . Nordsvamp, Copenhagen (DK) 2008. ISBN 978-87-983961-3-0 .

Web links

Commons : Poplar-Schüppling  - album with pictures, videos and audio files