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Mumps virus, negative stained TEM 8758 lores.jpg

The mumps virus (genus Rubulavirus ) in the TEM image

Classification : Viruses
Area : Riboviria
Empire : Orthornavirae
Phylum : Negarnaviricota
Subphylum : Haploviricotina
Class : Monjiviricetes
Order : Mononegavirals
Family : Paramyxoviridae
Subfamily : 'Paramyxovirinae'
Taxonomic characteristics
Genome : (-) ssRNA linear
Symmetry : helical
Cover : available
Scientific name

The Paramyxovirinae were a subfamily of the virus family Paramyxoviridae with five genera Rubulavirus , Avulavirus , Respirovirus , Henipavirus , Morbillivirus . Since the transformation of the formerly only other subfamily Pneumovirinae into a separate family Pneumoviridae , this subfamily has become obsolete.

The members of the Paramyxovirinae were grouped together in addition to their phylogenetic proximity and distinguished from the second subfamily Pneumovirinae on the basis of their envelope proteins . While the Paramyxovirinae had either surface proteins with a hemagglutinin and / or neuraminidase activity, the envelope proteins of the Pneumovirinae did not show any of these properties.
The genome of the Paramyxovirinae had 6 or 7 open reading frames and thus 2 or 3 fewer than the Pneumovirinae . In contrast to these, the number of nucleotides in Paramyxovirinae was always divisible by 6 ( “rule of six” ), which is apparently based on a very regular packaging mechanism of the genome in the helical capsid .


  • RA Lamb, PL Collins et al .: Subfamily Paramyxovirinae . In: CM Fauquet, MA Mayo et al .: Eighth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses . London, San Diego, 2005 p. 659 ISBN 0-12-249951-4
  • S. Mordrow, D. Falke, U. Truyen: Molecular Virology , Heidelberg Berlin, 2nd edition 2003 ISBN 3-8274-1086-X

Individual evidence

  1. ICTV Master Species List 2018b v1 MSL # 34, Feb. 2019
  2. a b ICTV: ICTV Taxonomy history: Akabane orthobunyavirus , EC 51, Berlin, Germany, July 2019; Email ratification March 2020 (MSL # 35)