Pastoral Conference

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A pastoral conference is an assembly organized in different Christian denominations in different forms of officials of a certain ecclesiastical area, mostly of priests or pastors , often also of religious , experts and lay people . Pastoral-theological , scientific and general issues are discussed and discussed at these conferences . Personnel and organizational questions can also be discussed. The results of the consultation serve the church leadership as a decision-making aid, the conferences have an advisory role and are authorized to make suggestions.


Meetings of priests from a smaller area for counseling and teaching took place in the old church . With the implementation of local, regional and supraregional synods in the 4th century, the importance of small pastoral conferences faded into the background. The local conferences did not gain an upturn until the 16th century. The “ Prophezei ”, founded by Huldrych Zwingli in Zurich in 1523, was almost exclusively dedicated to the further training of pastors, while the Geneva Compagnie des pasteurs, founded by Johannes Calvin in 1541, particularly accompanied the administration and lifestyle of the clergy. Based on the Geneva model, the theologian Johannes a Lasco founded the assembly of Reformed preachers in East Frisia around 1544 , with which the uniform teaching should be promoted. A parallel phenomenon in the evangelical imperial cities was the "spiritual ministries" .

In the Roman Catholic Church in Germany , pastoral conferences were convened more frequently only in the 19th century; their special sponsor was Vicar General Ignaz Heinrich von Wessenberg from Constance. He was the editor of the archive magazine for the pastoral conferences and called for theological training and further education in the form of pastoral conferences for the clergy . Pastoral conferences also flourished in the Protestant churches in Germany in the 19th century, whereby in addition to the “official” conferences there were also the “free” conferences, in which pastors of a certain theological direction usually met once a year (such as the grace period Pastoral Conference , the Berlin Pastoral Conference or the Hanover Whitsun Conference ), were of great importance.

Roman Catholic Church

For the Roman Catholic Church, after the Second Vatican Council, a new meaning developed for pastoral conferences; they were incorporated into the new canon law . Pastoral conferences are held at the local parish level, the regional deanery level and the diocesan level. Pastoral-theological, scientific, personal and organizational issues will be discussed at these conferences.

Composition and tasks of a deanery conference

The dean's conference is the regular gathering of all priests , permanent deacons , pastoral officers and parish officers residing or working in a Catholic deanery . Sometimes the religious teachers in the church service (i. K.) are invited, the invitation of retired chaplains or retired deacons, pastoral advisers and community advisers is mandatory, although they only take part in the meeting as guests. In addition, the respective employees of the dean's office (also people 's office ) and the (arch) bishop's youth welfare office or representatives of the Federation of German Catholic Youth (BDKJ) are often invited. If there are other institutions that work in the entire dean's office - or beyond - such as B. adult education , then these are usually invited. In recent years, in some places, a representative of the deanery council has also been asked to attend the meeting. This assembly meets regularly every one to three months. In addition to this large meeting, it is customary for the priests to meet again for their own meeting. These meetings of priests will be less, however, since many deans no longer see the need for such a priestly meeting. The dean's conference is chaired by the respective dean (or dean).

The dean's conference has the task of supporting the dean in his work, advising him and giving the pastoral work in the dean's office a certain direction. The assembly therefore shares responsibility for the management of the dean's office. For this purpose, decisions are made that are approved by the assembly. All of the above are entitled to vote. People who have successfully completed at least their 2nd service examination - i.e. no deacons (in the run-up to the priestly ordination ), no pastoral or parish assistants. The agenda includes: discussion of theological innovations, the dean's report on (arch) episcopal pronouncements and the conference of deans, reports from pastors from their parish , processing of pastoral problems and elaboration of thematic points (e.g. networked pastoral care). Due to the fact that the dean's conference brings all employees around one table, the meeting is also used to clarify organizational matters. For example, in many deaneries, the priestly leave and representation are discussed and joint documents are signed.

Protestant churches

In Protestant churches, pastoral conferences (also called parish conferences, parish conventions, ephoral conferences, etc.) are nowadays regular meetings of pastors at the level of church districts or deaneries at which pastoral, theological and organizational topics are discussed. In some churches, e.g. B. the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia , all pastors come together once a year for a conference. In the member churches of the EKD , the full-time pastors as born members are parish line obligated to participate in the parish convent, the parish convent itself is but normalized formally no substance or and can no proposals to governing bodies provide, protocols and results are not published.

Russian Orthodox Church

The Russian Orthodox Church convenes international pastoral conferences for its church. During their deliberations in 2013, for example, they dealt with the topic of the common sacred language , problem areas with the sacrament of marriage , the inadmissibility of urn burial and Orthodox baptism rituals .

Pastoral Conference of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Opel has first convened in 2000 in its history, clergy and laity to a major conference on pastoral issues. Around a thousand delegates took part in the multi-day deliberations in Istanbul on the subject of “Parish as a cell of Christian witness”, three quarters of whom were lay people.


  • Joint Synod of the Dioceses of the Federal Republic of Germany, Resolution Pastoral Structures, OG 1 698f.
  • Karl HalaskiPastoral Conferences . In: Religion Past and Present (RGG). 3. Edition. Volume 5, Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen 1961, Sp. 148.
  • Karl-Adolf BauerPastoral Conferences . In: Religion Past and Present (RGG). 4th edition. Volume 6, Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen 2003, Sp. 993.

Web links

  • Hermann-Josef Scheidgen : German Catholicism in the Revolution of 1848/49: Episkopat-Clergy-Laity Associations (Pastoral Conference from page 279), Böhlau Verlag, Cologne-Weimar-Vienna, 2008, ISBN 3-412-20119-7 , Google Books [8]
  • Statute for the deaneries in the diocese of Mainz (PDF file; 87 kB) [9] (PDF; 89 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heidelberg University Library: Archive for the pastoral conferences in the country chapters of the Diocese of Constance [1]
  2. Compare on this Codex Iuris Canonici cann. 511 ff [2]
  3. ^ Pastoral Conference Provost Parish St. Ludgerus (committees) [3]
  4. ^ Pastoral conference of the Catholic Church North Harz [4] or pastoral conference in the dean's office in Saarlouis [5]
  5. ^ Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Görlitz [6]
  6. See the message from the 2013 Pastoral Conference .
  7. u. a. according to Church regulations of the EKiR , Art. 17
  8. Parish Service Act of the EKD
  9. see back room
  10. ^ Resolution of the Pastoral Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church in Germany - the Berlin Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Germany Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad [7]
  11. First major pastoral conference of the Ecumenical Patriarchate ( Memento of November 4, 2013 in the web archive )