Patricia Jacomella-Bonola

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Patricia Jacomella-Bonola (born September 29, 1952 in Geneva ) is a Swiss painter , fashion designer and installation artist who is known for her value-critical installations and performances.


Jacomella-Bonola deals with value criticism by pointing out the fetish character of everyday objects and conditions to exhibition visitors. She realized value-critical installations and performances in the Montserrat Gallery in New York ( Cultural-Exchange , 1993), in the Shedhalle Zurich ( Performance im Box , 1995), in the Institute of Contemporary Art Tirana in Albania ( One Way Money , 2001), in the Kunsthalle Luzern ( buy new values , 2003), in the Museo Cantonale d'Arte Lugano ( The Wondershop , 2003; The Contract , 2004), in the Kunstmuseum Luzern ( Die Erde, a birthright , "Central Switzerland Art", 2004), in the Museo Cantonale d'Arte Lugano ( 100: 100 = 100 , 2005), in La Rada Locarno ( The Convertible Entrance Ticket , 2006) and in the Cabaret Voltaire Zurich (Diploma Honoris Causa, 2007).

From 1991 to 2011, Jacomella-Bonola and Maria Walther formed the J & W Management Consulting team ; the title ironically refers to the capitalization of the art market . Together with Walther, she set up the J&W Change Office , a change office for artistic action values, in the Warteck pp in Basel in 1995 . She also exhibited with her in 2002 with a Pro Helvetia sponsorship award at the Boston TransCulturalExchange .

In 2008 the installation Smoking was created with the exhibition “La pittura e l'Oltre” in the Pinacoteca Casa Rusca Locarno, consisting of a mattress, six stools with fabric with high visibility and reflective tapes. The idea was that the report of the Centers for Disease Control shows that tobacco consumption is closely linked to the workplace and also to the type of trade: the most important tobacco consumers are bricklayers and employees in the construction and catering industry. Paradoxically, the word “smoking” in English also refers to the tuxedo , a kind of gala suit that is only worn in the evening. It was born into English high society and worn by men in smoking rooms - forbidden for women - to protect the dress from the smell of tobacco.

In 2008 she also realized the installation and performance Quarantine as an artist duo with Maria Walther . The questions arose: “What are the traces that the plague of the past has left in the course of history until today? And what are the connections today between the plague of the past and the plague of the present? ”During the exhibition, the Bluvanoni contemporary art space was quarantined . The building was insulated and covered with a large black tarpaulin so that twelve selected artists could work in an unencumbered environment and find answers to the future of society, culture and art. In order to avoid contamination during the exhibition, the visitor was asked to put on a nasal mask, which was freely distributed outside the building.

In 2017 she received a studio grant from the Canton of Zug in New York City .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Patricia Jacomella-Bonola. In: SikartTemplate: SIKART / Lemma not specified
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
  4. With Brita Polzer and Maria Walther : J & W management consulting: an intercultural exchange. Zurich: Pro Helvetia , 2004. ISBN 9783907622940
  5. Interview with Jacomella-Bonola
  6. a b c d e f g h i j